Was für eine Person ist meine Tante?

Und zwar ist meine Tante irgendwie seit mein Opa nicht mehr da (ist seine Tochter) ist nicht mehr die selbe, sie redet nur noch von meinem Opa… Ihr könnt euch bestimmt vorstellen wie mich das nervt jeden Satz von ihm was zuhören. Er ist vor 2 Jahren verstorben und mein Vater dieses Jahr. Und sie kommt immer noch mit meinem Opa, als ob ich halt keine Verluste habe..!

Ich mag eigentlich meine Tante aber das geht garnicht was sie da abzieht jetzt wollte ich halt mal fragen was für ein Mensch sie eig. Ist.

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1 year ago

I can tell you what kind of person she is: she is a person with a persistent grief reaction.

This is expressed, inter alia, by:

  1. strong desire for the deceased or
  2. continuing employment with the deceased accompanied by strong emotional pain (e.g. mourning, guilt, anger, denial, accusations)
  3. Difficulties to accept death
  4. feeling to have lost part of his own,
  5. inability to experience positive mood,
  6. emotional deafness
  7. Difficulties with other social interactions or other activities).
  8. The symptoms are over 6 months.

Not all criteria have to be met – a part is enough to forgive the diagnosis.

See more here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contending_Trauerst%C3%B6rung

I can only agree with @memoriah: Stop fighting against each other and set you apart. You both suffered loss – you’re actually on one side. Give her the room to mourn her. If you don’t hold it (which is okay), then formulate it to a reasonable (!) degree.

1 year ago

Hello Gianobrending👋

You have suffered both losses, you don’t give anything, but you don’t think you have to get into the ring to fight whose pain is greater, you don’t come to a denominator.

Maybe your aunt isn’t the right one to hold and comfort, she didn’t even process anything and you’re even less, so be the first one and look for help in a mourning therapy, then you’ll also understand better why she reacts like that, you don’t react differently. You expect her to continue because you lost something more in a short time? You’re like the people who say: “It can’t be that bad anymore” just mourning is something, so no one tells you how long you can mourn, you should look for help when you’re overwhelmed with your feelings.

Sadness can lead to a variety of feelings, not only sadness also anger. Trouble, depression and you both have enough of it.