Was für ein Stich ist das?
kann mir jemand sagen um welche Art von Stichen es sich hier handelt ?
Der eine ist am Fuß, der andere an der Wade. Sind beide ca. 2 mm groß & es gibt keine darumlegenden Stiche.
Besteht die Möglichkeit, dass es sich um einen Bettwanzenstich oder Flohbiss handelt? Oder sieht das eher nach Schnaken aus?
I’d rule out shit this season. You say nothing about feeling/feeling!
Suddenly catches to itchy, itchy then 10-15 minutes & then stops to itchy when you do not scratch it, only to see about 1 day.
I spoke to a friend of the chamber hunter today, who said Schnaken would also give it around this season, they would be very small & rare to see and often in apartments for wintering.
Well, maybe you’re still running around with naked legs. What do you mean if the thing’s practically over?
Then I would rub in the future with a “body lotion” or a special means.
Have such tricks lately, so my question.
Looks like small mosquito bites