Was für ein Speichermedium für Filmesammlung?
Ich bin gerade dabei eine Filmesammlung anzulegen und ich speichere die Filme auf einer externen Festplatte. Bisher benutze ich eine 2 TB SSD, da wird aber nun der Speicherplatz knapp, weshalb ich nun eine neue Festplatte brauche.
Ich tendiere im Moment zu einer 8 TB HDD, eine 8 TB SSD ist quasi nicht bezahlbar. Grob kenne ich die Vor- & Nachteile von SSD und HDD. SSD ist schneller, leiser, Stoßunempfindlicher; HDD dafür sehr viel preiswerter. Allerdings habe ich nun Angst, dass die HDD so langsam ist, dass es während dem Filme schauen anfängt zu ruckeln etc. oder ist eine HDD so langsam auch wieder nicht?
Was meint ihr: reicht ne HDD oder brauchts schon ne SSD oder was ganz anderes?
A HDD is completely sufficient, even for 4K. Should be a decent one. There are very special for every need. The life span is limited to any HDD, but can be significantly increased depending on the stress.
I personally use plates designed for continuous operation (WD Red) as I installed them in a NAS.
The advantages of a HDD: Cheap/GB
Cons: Slowly in cf. to SSD
For movies absolutely irrelevant. Since the plate is much faster than the bit rate of the film. Even ne 50Mbit/Sek BluRay would not be a problem. In addition, the SSD plays its speed only with random access. In a film quite irrelevant.
Benefits SSD: Much faster in sequential access.
Disadvantages: expensive and less durable than HDD
For your purpose it is best to use a plate designed for continuous operation with 5400rpm, for example instead of 7200. A WD-Red
No, an HDD is completely enough, presumed you don’t look in 8K or something. For 4K a HDD is sufficient, is really much cheaper.
I have a WD with 4 terabytes, just for this purpose. It is integrated by switch in the home network, since nothing is joking at all.
I think a HDD is better suited for movies. What advantage does an SSD offer in films? None.
HDD is absolutely sufficient! And I recommend that you install the existing records in a NAS and add more records.