Was für ein Sende/Empfangsmast ist das?

Bei einem Spaziergang hab ich diesen Sende/Funkmast gesehen, der wie meine Tante meinte wohl auf dem Privatgelände eines Ex Ministerpräsidenten steht, der das wohl hobbymäßig betreibt. Kann mir jemand sagen, welche Art/Technik das ist und ob man mit dem weltweit Radio hören und auch senden kann? An der Seite des Mastes hab ich auch mehrere kleine Satellitenschüsseln gesehen. Ich entschuldige mich für die schlechte Qualität des Fotos

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1 year ago

I don’t think there’s any special amateur radio technology. In most cases, it is quite simple that such large landowners make their reason against money available to the mobile radio company or the Deutsche Funkturm.

The following configuration is based on the appearance:

  • at the top: 2m Band Vertical spotlights, radio intercom Highway mastery, transport companies or municipal roads and maintenance services
  • Among them: Mobile phone, increased Dipole E-Band
  • In this case, there are microwave band link links (PP radios) in which mobile radio locations which do not have their own broadband connection are connected.
  • Among them again E-Band probably other providers
  • Redirected radio equipment
  • And mobile D-band

So a very normal mobile location, probably close to a highway or federal road.

1 year ago

Most of them are normal cell phone transmission systems, apparently the usual D and E network.

The satellite bowls are microwave transceivers. This is a data connection like WLAN, but only exactly between two points, but at a very long distance. This simply replaces a cable that transports data from and to the mast.

Above it, you can’t say that with certainty, but this is most likely from the category “Operating Radio”. This is probably a police or railway radio relay. Thus, for example, the locomotive driver can be called by radio from the control unit in order to report changes to the road map by disturbances of the route.

1 year ago

quite normal mobile mast

1 year ago

Could be a communication radio mast, phone, TV or the like. Flat reflectors are still present on the side, which can also be longed by radio masts of the telecom etc.

1 year ago

A mobile base station.

The “satellite bowls” you see are not such, but directional radio antennas, via which connections to other such masts are produced.

And no, the landlord does not do that in a homage, but he takes rent for the mast to stand on his ground.