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2 years ago

If the part is made of a drone, I would do the drone type and try to find out its operating frequencies on the net.

Purely from the board and the two wires you can neither recognize nor read it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sebi177

Please measure the length of the wires. Then add the length of both wires and multiply the whole by 2. The number that comes out, you simply assume as a wavelength and convert it according to the following formula:

lambda = c/f

f is the frequency in Hertz and c. is the speed of light

(approx. 3 x 108 m/s)

A frequency in the Gigahertz range may be coming out. If this is correct then I can’t tell you, unfortunately, because I just assumed for the conversion that the two wires act as half-wave dipole.

2 years ago

Should be somewhere. If not get away. Nen newer doesn’t cost much. Even if you find out which receiver it is needed the right spark.

2 years ago

Even if you know what a recipient that is need the appropriate spark.

2 years ago

2 antennas…Should be a receiver.