Was für ein Fleisch soll das sein?
Achte sehr stark auf meine Ernährung und tracke alles dementsprechend. Wir haben frisch vom Fleischer Fleisch bekommen. Ich würde sagen es ist Kalb oder? Könnte auch irgendwas mit Rind sein.
weiß einer die genaue Bezeichnung? Danke im Voraus
Look at each piece, and if it fits well into the pan, eat it as a beef roast.
You can cut the rest as a goulash and eat it.
Looks like Rind:
In any case weakened – good appetite!
Thank you. Has been found as a young bull
No pig (is raw brighter), no poultry (does not fit the shape).
Looks strong for me to be Rind.
If the color is falsified by the photo, it could also be lamb/hammel. You can see that well in the smell (smells strongly according to “animal”).
Why don’t you ask the meat guy you got it from? He knows best what he killed.
Otherwise cut out a small cube, blow it through and eat it. Then you know.
For normal pork slightly too dark
For beef and veal not dark enough, and I do not think the grain is correct.
I also tend to wild meat, typing wild boar from the portion size.
I’ve learned cook once, but it’s been forever, and I lacked the practice to gain experiences.
What about Jungbulle?
From my point of view, the grain does not fit for beef in general. But I’m nothing but an expert.
If he says Jungbulle, that’s it. No more calf, a young male cow.
This is lamb
But without the fat?
Huh? What does that have to do with the fat? Lamb is lamb, whether with or without fat, it comes to part, but does not change the animal that has been slaughtered. Rib or shoulder, is both lamb.
And without? So with might be lamb but without it has much less fat so it does not go through more than lamb
I’d say wild meat.
Then try it. It’s already questionable enough that the meat is in blue garbage bags.
Is wild meat “halal”?
I doubt this!
One said Jungbulle but don’t know me
It’s too fat for lamb and wild. And pig has a different color. Jungbulle is possible. Anyway, I mean it’s beef.