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4 months ago

I don’t think it makes sense to decide only after money, because the work has to run/ function. It is much harder to motivate yourself to something and keep you running a bit constant if you don’t have a bump at all on work. So there are motivational aspects that play a role in addition to money. That is why money may be a criterion, but would not be the sole criterion. Find something you could enjoy. Something you are. So find out what you want and what your interests are. It may also be annoying and unusual, main thing, you get clear with it.

Maybe do internships or an FSJ.

Make a list of options that could be theoretically interesting (without necessarily feeling that).

Joy of work is most likely to be experienced as competent when you can act self-determined and have an effective team (connection with others). This at least tells the self-determination theory according to Deci and Ryan that one is motivated especially when the work satisfies basic psychological needs.

4 months ago

Maybe you don’t start to trim the horse from the back.
What does your studies use if you don’t have a plan, what you want to do with it? If you don’t have a glimpse of whether you need it at all? If you don’t know if this is an access requirement for your previously unknown career?

Maybe you’re primarily thinking about what you want to do professionally and just let BIZ know about the possible professional images and their access requirements.
And if you found something that interests you -> meet the requirements for it! If that’s presupposed, okay. If not -> save your time and invest it better!

4 months ago

Official’s good.

They often have to do nix

4 months ago

This is only your decision. You should do what you want 🙂

4 months ago

You are 16 – if you can believe your information in previous questions – there are still a few years to the Abitur.

Just wait for what’s going on and what interests you have.

4 months ago

Which subjects are your grades best? Which compartments did the at least have fun or it was easy for you to keep the fabric there?

What kind of hobbies do you have? What are you gifted in?

4 months ago
Reply to  lenartmcn

Then you can study what in the field of sports science/management. Or in the other compartments if you trust that. If you have a talent to convey these topics to others, you could also study at the teacher’s office and then work as a teacher.