Was für ein Auto als Anfänger, erstes eigene Auto?

Hi ich bin 19 und fange nächstes Jahr das Studieren an. Ich habe etwa 6000€ angespart und Frage mich jetzt was für ein Auto sich lohnt.

Mir ist eigentlich nur Sicherheit wichtig. Es muss überhaupt kein teures Teil sein und die Marke ist mit nicht besonders wichtig. Automatik wäre nicht schlecht aber nicht zwingend notwendig. Gibt es Modelle die in der Instandhaltung günstig sind? Wonach sollte man da Ausschau halten?

Als Student hat man ja nicht so viel Geld. Ich brauche aber ein Auto um von Zuhause zur Uni fahren zu können. Weg dauert etwa 40min.

Es wird in jedem Fall ein Gebrauchtwagen. Aber die Anschaffung alleine ist ja nicht so das was teuer ist.

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2 years ago

Here are some ideas that could fit your ideas:

VW Golf 4

Toyota Yaris

Honda Civic

Toyota Avensis

Audi 80

All a little different, you’d have to research yourself a little what would suit you. In any case, the automatic system in older cars is worse and more expensive.

2 years ago

Look for an old middle-class model (Rentnerauto) which are usually very stable and designed for long run times. As a pensioner car often well maintained and “only old”

I bought old Ford Mondeo on this basis for many years (about 3,000€) and drove the cars five to seven years. They were sold for larger repairs.

The last eight years I drove, then he was almost standing around for two years (9 months on the piece). Then my nephew got him and brought him to TÜV, 22 years old and zero defects! Nephew is happy….

1 year ago
Reply to  AvatarLuffy

from vehicle age 20, old-time insurance would be possible if no professional use is provided. This will be very favorable.

2 years ago
Reply to  AvatarLuffy

Insurance is often quite favourable for the typical pensioner car as these vehicles have fewer culpable accidents.

Maintenance is best if nothing needs to be repaired and this is better for a mid-range model than for a compact staircase……

In the case of insurance, it makes sense for the first three years when the insurance is running on the parents (tenders).

2 years ago

A little Japanese or Korean would be okay.

2 years ago

VW Golf 5/6, Opel Astra J or Ford Focus Mk 3 would I recommend

2 years ago

If you can already stay at home, you can also get the maintenance for a reasonably ready car. Up to 2,000 € you will certainly get a mobile base that is sufficient for the time of your studies.

2 years ago

mercedes 600 sl as cabrio is cool

2 years ago
Reply to  AvatarLuffy


2 years ago
Reply to  julienne96

It’s a encoder car, not a novice car.