Was für eigene Verschwörungstheorie Ideen habt ihr?
Wie wollen einen Mottotag zum Thema Verschwörungstheorien machen und haben schon den typischen Alien und Area 5.1. Aber wir würden gerne Variation reinbringen deswegen die Frage. Habt ihr Ideen für Verschwörungstheorien, die Deko mäßig umsetzbar ist ?
PS: Mir ist egal ob ihr diese glaubt oder nicht und ich möchte mit dieser Frage niemanden unterstellen, dass sein Glauben an irgendwas (in welche Richtung auch immer) nicht richtig ist, stimmt oder ähnliches.
Vielen Dank schon mal im Vorraus
I don’t believe in conspiracy theory, but together with friends, I/I have informed us a bit about various coriosities:
Chemtrails, shallow earth, hollow earth (some say we live in the interior of the hollow sphere, others that we live outside), Reichsflugscheibe (It is kept secret that there have been technology for decades to move through the universe in unimaginable speed),
Quotes by Dr. Axel Stoll: “The sun is cold – know the least,” “Magie is physics through wanting”, etc…
Barcodes are Devil (the 666 is integrated), chip in corona vaccination,
Mobile/free energy sources are kept secret by the energy industry (oil, coal, atom…).
Hollow earth, lunar azis, flat eagle, thought control by the state… you can cover everything through the aluminum hat.
You could also dress up as a wax salad of the edge of the earth.
So mind control in a certain way isn’t that deviant now.
They actually only make this more subtle, through targeted propaganda and sublime suggestion. Everything would not be necessary if direct thought control existed.
Thought control takes place.
Yes, I can control my thoughts very well, for example.
That’s great.
Yeah, right, that’s it. Direct thought control would then be as in 1984. Do you know?
I think they mix human flesh or blood. am generally paranoid
What exactly?
zb in chop meat or blood in grape juice. simply to laugh at us because they are sick (only my presentation has not shown)