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Actually, never something certain, but have often found real treasures there!
Mostly anti-currence. Mechanical watches of any kind. Outside stand clocks.
I have an eye on watches. I’ve shot a lot of bargains.
Art and decoration also interest me. But unfortunately, don’t know me so well to really find bargains. Unfortunately, prices on flea markets are often too high.
I only go to flea markets to enjoy the sight of the curious objects and people. I wouldn’t buy myself there anymore, because I had to get rid of possessions in my life several times, and meanwhile the place and the free spaces in my home give me much more joy than things.
active none. If I like something and I can afford it, I’ll buy it. I spontaneously bought a “antike” (?) dresser that I had fallen in love with. I still have them.
When I was a kid, I was looking for toys.
Now, I’d rather make random finds or look for watches or something (of which I don’t have much idea).
Old mechanical watches, rare things…. sometimes it just has to turn out.
The most curious thing I’ve ever seen: used hip proses, and there were still bone mugs on it!!!
on the flea market of Lisbon, my friend -Gynecologist – once saw a speculum, He had a great amusement but did not buy it.
Not bad… I’ve seen Katheder from the Urologen too:-)
In most cases, I would only search one: the exit.
Flea markets, which only have used stuff, can be quite beautiful, then I would mainly search for books, but most of them are in “new” with such ramshot of cheap productions – and there I really look for only one: the vastness.
I really don’t know what flea markets you were, but with us there are used stuff from private people.
These are those who call themselves “antik” markets.
I’ve never heard the term. “Basar” would have fallen more frequently, otherwise “Flohmarkt”.
Random findings.
Retro toys from the 80s.
Just look at what’s going on
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