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Usually there are fruit bowls for breakfast, these consist of fresh fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, bananas, apples, melon, kiwi, mango, pineapple.. Sometimes they are also available as yogurt bowls, but also fruits are also natural yoghurt and as toppings for example honey, cinnamon, jam, apple brand, cocoa nips, cocoa powder, granola, nuts, protein powder. 😋 Sometimes there are even baked whole grain bread or rolls, either with avocado or with self-cooked jam. Also more often a hard-cooked egg with salt. Very rare also sugar-free homemade cereal with unsweetened almond milk or even homemade waffles or crêpes. In the morning I usually just drink a herbal tea or a coffee with almond milk. Then another glass of bread drink.
I’ve got 2 options like “breakfast” :
1. If I push night service, I usually go. 3:00 in the morning 1 to 3 pizzas.
Two. If there’s no night shift, there’s coffee and some cigarettes.
So if I have free breakfast I don’t eat, just as I don’t eat lunch.
You get used to it.
LG Chris
Hello 345luna👋
Under the week:
On weekends:
Under the week I just don’t want to spend a lot of time, I want it to be done quickly, but still eat something that tastes me, for that I take time for my breakfast on weekends, because I usually have no time pressure.
Something in the way
No, come well without clear and sometimes it is no longer worth it before lunch xD
Mostly muesli from many oat flakes, fruits, nuts, oat milk and protein powder
Mostly a bread with cheese and a cereal with fruit.
I’ll never have breakfast.
I don’t have breakfast
Different. When I work and it has to go fast in the morning, Müsli (I always do this for the whole week and I just sneak up fresh fruit in the morning) and if I have free, very cozy with freshly baked rolls, different appetizers and a cooked egg.
Bread or a bread.
Banana toast
I always drink a cup of cocoa. I’m just doing breakfast in hotels and brunch.