was findet ihr schlimmer?
mit begründung
mit begründung
Das Klischee ist ja, dass Sozialarbeiter sehr häufig Drogen konsumieren. Und bei sozialen Berufen braucht man idR ein polizeiliches Führungszeugnis
Ich hab mal wo gehört, dass man 1-2 Wochen Pause von Weed machen sollte bevor man LSD nimmt. Stimmt das oder ist das Unsinn? Ergibt für mich nämlich nicht viel Sinn 😀 Frage natürlich für nen Freund xD Drogen sind schlecht
mein Kollege hat heute das erste mal Speed probiert und reagiert absolut nicht gut darauf normal kenne ich das mit xanax zum entspannten von Freunden aber das haben wir nicht hier darf man promethazin 25 oder 50 mg (Tablette) mit Speed mischen? Die letzte line hatte er vor 5 Stunden ca
It’s worse I find drawer memories. There are millions of alcoholics and many Stoner. It is individuals, with all possible positive and negative human properties, which one can not all shear over a comb.
This in no way answers the question
I mean, I’m distinguished by this what-ist-small-thinking when they’re people with some sort of appreciation. Neither an alcohol-dependent nor a cannabis-dependent person is “schlimm” per se. On the other hand, there are some bad people who are neither alcohol-, cannabis- or otherwise dependent.
Thanks very much ⭐
Alcoholics are very dangerous people who can also be aggregated. Especially if you were to catch a relationship with such people. Then the children and a parent would suffer.
Disgusting, aggressive, stranger, and all the work and devotion is in the case of a relationship or friendship you are looking for. The relationship also adds even more. in my eye are also less attractive.
Alcohol kills most people worldwide. He’s a popular drug number one and, in deaths, he puts everything in the shadow of what other drugs are causing to death.
Alcoholics don’t get their addiction so easy. Unless they do a therapy…
Alcohol affects the body and well-being, so I find alcohol significantly worse.
If those are stunned against something that slobs in them, then both can become dangerous when the substance comes out.
You don’t have to justify it. Theoretically, nen Stoner is not physically dependent. In addition, alcoholics are extremely aggregated without their alcohol
Your “stoners” are drug addicts, and they’ll be aggressive if they don’t get their stuff.
First, Stoner is not
drug addicts and second are
alcoholic not only aggressive,
if they have no alkyd,
but often then,
I’m sorry.
Haha ok
That’s an insult, I know what’s called yes.
You don’t understand what you’re talking about, and you’re just kidding.
No, neither.
I drink & smoke
not even beer as you.😂
Do you think you’re a drone addict or alcoholic that you know so well?
I know about CBD, THC, Weed. My top 2, which was very bad: 1. Alcohol and then the 2nd: Coffee, because of paranaoia….—H1ghflyer. .
There’s much more the chance they get aggressive
Stoner are no longer down or grained, as there is no physical dependence
Oh, no, why do they take the stuff, kill even to get it?
joa let’s say that I’ve never had problems with someone who was high, but more than enough problems with drunk
Yes, what you can, are submissions… otherwise nix!
for example my answer full
BG is a citizen’s money, because anyone who can get home at 2:00 does not work. I’m a boss, you can’t do much.
No fact.
That’s a big deal.
You do.
No, not too.😹
No, it’s better.
I don’t know who you’re doing.
I shouldn’t be
Shut up.😹 🥳
You again, BG’s should shut up.
Stoner are people smoking the grass. No one kills for grass except drug dealers
But for drugs.Weil dait can also be stoned
no one kills for weed
Both are worse.
And Stoner, both are not so healthy
Don’t take anything.