Was findet ihr besser?(buch vs Filme)?
Sehr oft gibt es zu einem Buch noch einen Film oder so. Was findet ihr besser. Z. B. Bei Harry Potter
Sehr oft gibt es zu einem Buch noch einen Film oder so. Was findet ihr besser. Z. B. Bei Harry Potter
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Well, it’s like, when I read a book and there’s a movie I always read the book because it’s usually different in the movies than in the books. I really like both.
I think movies are better, for example, at Harry Potter, many say that at Harry Potter’s book other things are being told.
But books are actually also good (think I), because sometimes it is also good that you get much more information.
So I’m thinking that both are good.
Most of the books, as films whose content can always only be reduced considerably. At Harry Potter, however, I have to say that the filmings were really good.
Book. Sure.
A film can’t even grasp everything an author tells in his story. He’s just too “fast” medium. Of course, there are some filmings that put their book templates in the shadow, or at least are equal; but they are rough. Examples would be Shining, 1984, or Orange.
And then there are films/series that would be much better without their franchise print. I count Lake Earth, The Watch or the Golden Compass.
Normally, books are always better than the movie. But I’d rather watch movies, because that doesn’t take so long!
The books are always better than the movies. That’s why you always read the books before you look at the movies.
Books are usually more detailed. More story, more details, more side stories. In addition, you can create figures in your own imagination, etc… Appearance etc.
In the film, something is often omitted for tension or length.
Therefore, for me almost always the books are better
In addition, many books can easily be implemented in a film-technical manner.
Book. Almost always.