Was findet ihr am besten?
Im Urlaub bin ich am liebsten Zelten im Wald und so, da würd dann auch selbst Feuer gemacht.
Wo kommt ihr am liebsten im Urlaub unter?
Im Urlaub bin ich am liebsten Zelten im Wald und so, da würd dann auch selbst Feuer gemacht.
Wo kommt ihr am liebsten im Urlaub unter?
Weshalb ist das so, wenn es denn zutrifft?
Ich habe neulich einen Flug nach Dublin für 14.95 gebucht. Leider habe ich nicht mehr richtig aufgepasst und habe dann statt Herr die Frau ausgewählt. Jetzt hinterher ändern kostet 110 €!! Nehmen die mich auch mit wenn da das Falsche Geschlecht steht? Danke schonmal
Ich fürchte diese chronischen Erschöpfungsymptome werden noch lange bleiben und Long Covid. Nur wie soll ich damit jemals ein Beruf erlernen, und arbeiten um Armut zu entkommen? Und wie will ich damit jemals selbständig leben, wenn schon kleine alltägliche Aufgaben sehr anstrengend erscheinen? Welche Berufe könnte ich damit überhaupt noch machen?
Ich fahre in zwei Wochen mit meiner Klasse nach Straßburg. Wir dürfen in 4er Gruppen in der Stadt herumlaufen und ich würde gerne wissen was wir machen können? Falls es hilft: Wir sind Jungs
Kannst du alsHauptgericht süß essen oder is das für dich kein Mittagessen/Abendessen?
Es wurde so berichtet als wurden viele Regionen zerstört.
Just got my first camping vacation behind me. Admittedly, I’ve been overwhelmed and just forced. I could never imagine Camping. But after this week everything changed. Hotels are absolutely overpriced, and many campsites even offer more than some hotels.
Probably one of my own campers is much better, but I was not allowed to make the experience
Well, one of my opinion, but in the woods, it’s different from the campsite.
I find wild camps abroad too risky. Especially in poorer countries I feel safer at the tent
Hello TheJoker2002.
I always find a holiday apartment very practical and beautiful.
We’ll have breakfast in the apartment. At noon we always go to eat.
Free nature.
most people have lost their instincts (in the original sense). In the free nature learns to appreciate everything else. In addition, few people are encountered in the forests of Canada or Scandinavia, as no one can go to the nerves (although it means holiday). You should rest & not get angry with strangers, make annoying flights/long trips, etc.)
You can also take a tent into the free nature.
I always take tents, water canisters, cleaning tablets, knives, fire steel, sleeping bag, piece soap and food, which I then take over the fire ready. Small pot for cooking and frying and a grating must not be missing. A little ax sometimes doesn’t hurt.
Other people can also be easily with knives, axe, etc. Verjagen 😉
Where’s the fun? Bajonette & 3 tagsrucksack & feuerstarter. Everything else is superfluous
I was in Alaska.
There’s already a devastating beaver on top of the river.
I think that’s exactly what you’re doing.
That’s what I’m saying.
You immediately notice that you were not 1x in your life at the wild camp in Scandinavia, Canada or Alaska. There is a water source with drinking water quality on every 10th tree, and unlike the contaminated DE, no one throws waste or toxic waste into the woods (will immediately be punished with prison). I have already drank over 500 liters of water (KoAbermühlen Skandinavier/kandier & “Eskimos” make her life-long regular) & we are guaranteed healthier than your bottle children…..
Where do you need the bayonet?
Reduced or contaminated water is not a fun, since the tablets are very important. And I need tea early to wake up. The fun is to explore the forest, find firewood, food source and water. The wood must also be split and prepared for fire and the storage space must be prepared as well as kept properly.
Find the best house/apartment. It is more cozy and pleasant. They used to be very often with camper & tents on holiday and as children we had fun but later this was no longer so great and there were the cottage/apartment the better solution.
I prefer an apartment, so I can unfold myself free, prepare myself food, or go for dinner, I’m not tied to meals, as in the hotel.
You can in the woods too.
Go over the campfire too.
Don’t camp.
I don’t like lying on the forest floor.
That’s why I’m telling you all the best for you.
I don’t know you and I can’t know how you’re doing health or what you can and what you can’t.
Please also take into account that not every person is able to healthily.
But I’d like to try to convince others.
I am very pleased that you like this, but your survey certainly also allows other opinions,
In a tent in a sleeping bag you don’t have to sleep on the forest floor.
You can move freely, cook yourself and recover well.
On holiday abroad we prefer hotels. If possible with All incl.
In Germany we prefer a FW/FH, of course with balcony, terrace. We are happy to sit outside for breakfast/dinner bread and then a good glass of wine. Since not too many hotels in big cities offer such open crops (in the medium price range), we book at Airbnb. There we had often found great luck and a domicile, that we were “cracking”…
I hate to have to do the whole household stuff for the family on holiday. That’s what I have at home.
Therefore hotel and someone else covers the breakfast table, cooks coffee, cocoa and eggs, washes behind and above all makes up and around the dining table clean.
Unfortunately, the children are still so small that every evening restaurant would not work with all and we currently need to book apartments etc. to cook ourselves.
My friend and I like to continue with the camper.
We are independent and always have our small apartment.
Once we rented an apartment. We liked that too.
L.G. Jenny
To camp in the forest is a very nice method.
Of course it is not allowed everywhere
It used to be a small tent, later a caravan or a motorhome. We also had apartment. But now we landed at the hotel.
But at the bottom, Camping was a great thing.
In the hotel I find it most comfortable. If you select it correctly, you get a “round-problemless package”. 🙂
At least as much as I like to be on our cottage, because there I feel so beautifully free and unbound. 😃
Great. But we were often in holiday homes/apartments
I need some comfort, even on holiday.
Well, I find tents more comfortable and exciting, in the hotel it is boring.
Everyone’s different.
Comfort means a private bathroom for me, and a wardrobe for my things. To be dry, even if it rains.
When camping you can take a canister with water or bathe in a river. You can just pack things in the backpack and stay dry in the tent.
But to everyone his.
In a hotel I have my usual comfort and would like to have it locally and ordered on holiday.
With well-equipped kitchen, as I like to cook.
That’s what I do, a long time ago the tent.
because after firing a new