Was feiern die Schweizer am 1. August?
Jedes Land hat seinen eigenen Feiertag. Wir feiern am 3. Oktober die Wiedervereinigung, unsere amerikanischen Freunde feiern am 4. Juli ihre Unabhängigkeit. Aber was wird eigentlich in der Schweiz am 1. August gefeiert? Die Schweiz war ja schon immer neutral und nie in einen Krieg verwickelt.
According to legend, on 1. August 1291 the representatives of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden on the Rütliwiese above Lake Lucerne decided cohesion for the uprising against the Habsburgs. In later centuries, from this legend, the “Rütlischwur”, which is held by many Swiss for historical truth, was created by the myth of the emergence of the congregation, so that the 1st. August became the Swiss national holiday.
In any case, they sing here with:
At the beginning of August in 1291, the three places (Kantone) Schwyz, Uri and Unterwalden have closed a kind of defence alliance to offer the Habsburgs Paroli.
National holiday establishing the Swiss Confederation
Switzerland was actively involved in many wars.