Was fehlt meinem Körper?
In letzter Zeit habe ich vermehrtes Herzrasen/Herzstolpern, meistens im Ruhezustand.
Dazu Muskelkrämpfe, Hitzeempfindlichkeit und Nervosität.
Außerdem habe ich ständig Hunger, bin aber dünn.
Was kann das sein? Und muss ich zum Arzt ? War dieses Jahr schon mal beim Blutabnehmen, da war alles in Ordnung.
P.S Bin weiblich und 21
Please let the doctor thoroughly check – Proper remote diagnostics cannot put the best doctor!
For example, your electrolyte household could be disturbed. (Calium deficiency)
From the source:
Hypokaliemia (low potassium levels in the blood)
A low potassium level can be
Happy for you!
Oke, thank you, but I actually eat enough bananas.
It doesn’t have to be a potassium deficiency – so please check thoroughly 🙂
A low potassium level can have many causes, but is mainly due to
Could vll have something to do with the thyroid gland… (Your doctor will find out)
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
How do I recognize a thyroid hyperfunction?
The symptoms of thyroid hyperfunction are individual and depend on the age of the patient or the patient. In older people, hyperthyroidism is different from younger people. It can also happen that only one symptom is in the foreground and is sufficient for the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. The following complaints may occur with a thyroid overfunction:
Source: thyroid function: causes & symptoms
Hm does not meet me
These are all unspecific symptoms. Go to your family doctor and talk to him.
Is perhaps the thyroid
You better go to the doctor
Iron deficiency, underweight otherwise I don’t remember. Maybe high blood sugar levels?