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Many things:
The ease of learning
The lightness of the sound
Your soothing way,
her “Tembre”
A lot.
Hello Keita636,
the Ukulele is a special instrument.
The Ukulele is small, and yet there is such a great scope in it.
You can take them anywhere. You can get so much out of the Ukulele.
Fingerstyle works very well on the Ukulele.
Apart from that, it is of course easier to play than guitar. I play guitar before the Ukulele, but it’s even easier. It offers a perfect start to the world of string instruments.
lg Moritz
I prefer the classic instrument with the same mood, although I had to learn that it is much harder to learn.
Or my Stratocaster. Learning them is not so difficult.
Anyone who can do both easily manage a Ukulele, and I find a mandolin much more great.
It is small and handy you can take it anywhere and well suited for high guitar solos in a band.
Small, handy and suitable for any situation. The guitar is a little more bulky.
Not only more bulky but also more diverse.
It’s just a wonderfully sounding instrument.