Was esst ihr so an einem Tag?
Bei mir ist es halt so, entweder ich esse um die 1000 kcal, weil ich dann esse, wenn ich Hunger habe oder ich esse genug, aber habe eigentlich gar keinen richtigen Hunger. Wie macht ihr bzw. was esst ihr an einem Tag? Tipps wären sehr hilfreich
Cheese pulp
bulgur salate
2 Vienna
Bisse melon
and in the evening there are potatoes with vegetables
I eat my daily needs every day. So something about the 2000 calories. A little more and a little less. Depending on appetite. But I’m always above my basic turnover and I don’t have a problem with covering it every day.
And what I eat on the day also depends very much on what I’m about to eat and what I cook. There can be practically everything. The only thing I really value is that there are plenty of vegetables. Because without vegetables it is not a reasonable meal for me
I eat very much, breakfast net so right but the rest of the day betweenthrow always much
for happiness I don’t accept and always stay slim, no matter what and how much I eat, shoutout at my mum, thank you for the good gene
lg W/15
A lot of stuff. In between snacks.
What makes you know my eating behavior? But good…
At noon a slice of bread with covering. Means vegetable spread or sausage, rarely cheese.
Evening a plate with what I cook. Usually a vegetable dish, occasionally meat or fish.
I come to about 1300-1500kcal with it and need to reduce urgently, because I’m just taking it right now.
1000 kcal is far too little, not even the basic turnover.
But what could I do to get more hungry?
Your feeling of hunger is probably ignorant. Eat more, healthy and balanced. When it lasts longer, you should be underweight.