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To my “Vulasch” I prefer to eat – either – dumplings, semmelknödel or noodles…
A fresh salad of the season is always there!
Thanks for star – although I live vegan! 😉
Salt potatoes, rice, noodles or dumplings. Tastes everything to Gulasch. And as a remnants, also with bread. There is also the variant with Polandta, but this is more the Italian or South Tyrolean variant.
… or potatoes.
But also Spätzle.
The main thing is Gulasch, even without anything.
Gulasch, with Thüringer Klößen. Fucker. And as a supplement red cabbage, refined with apple slices. The goulash can also be made with mushrooms.
Why now my clicked hook does not appear at “knobs of any kind” is incomprehensible to me.
Spätzle or Kartoffepürre both highly recommended!
LG Sophia💖
where late or noodles or rice also go
Stink normal salt potatoes.
I clicked on dumplings, but I also like to make Gulasch Polandta, which does not appear here. Gulasch with Polandta is a standard dish with me.
I also like to eat pasta or bread. Hard choice.
dumplings or potatoes
Potato puree 😋😋