Was esst ihr denn so für Salat gerichtete?
Ich liebe Nudelsalat, Melonen 🍉 mit feta Salat
Ich liebe Nudelsalat, Melonen 🍉 mit feta Salat
Was esst ihr zu einem rote Bete Salat 🥗?
woher weiß ich ob ein apfel bitter ist? ich möchte gerne bittere äpfel essen
Trinke sonst viel Wasser aber auch liebend gerne Zerooo- och liebe es. Ist das gesund?
Grüßt Euch, ich hatte gestern Abend eine Pizza und einen italienischen Salat bestellt und habe natürlich die Pizza präferiert. Der Salat ist im Kühlschrank gelandet, bestehend aus gekochten Schinken, Thunfisch, gekochten Eier und Gemüse. Ist der noch genießbar heute – sprich max. 24h nach Zubereitung?
Sounds delicious. I’ll try. With us there is always mixed salad or carrot salad.
is really delicious
Thank you for the star.
I love melon salad, is very refreshing in the summer. I mix water and honeymelon cut into cubes, black olives and some mint butterflies. I’ll let you do this for a few hours in the refrigerator so that the flavors mix. Before serving, I give fetawuerfel (if you add them too early, they give off a milky fluid, which wateres the whole a bit). I won’t give anything, no dressing!
I also like Italian noodle salad (with Rukola, Parmaschinken, Mozzarella, Pesto, pine nuts, cherry and inlaid tomatoes), reissalat, caesar salad…. and all others.
A simple, colorful salad that makes very good: 1 can of corn, 1 can of red beans, cubed paprika (red, green, yellow), cherry tomatoes. I’ll add some choirizo, but I can also be ham or other sausage, or leave it completely for vegetarians. Mix the whole thing with vinegar oil dressing.
It’s not my taste.
I love salad as a main dish. There are then mixed vegetables such as leaf salad, tomato, onion, peppers, cucumber, etc., depending on availability. For saturation there is egg, resin, tuna, chicken, falafel or similar with pure and then drowned with a delicious mustard dressing 😅
It’s delicious.
I don’t know melon salad, but I don’t sound very delicious. Like a fruit salad, I know something like that.
It sounds really funny but it’s very delicious
tomato, cucumber, paprika, onion, garlic, feta, olives and the oil of the latter as well as pepper, salt and orègano. (my ex called the Balkans salad).
Tomato salad, potato salad, tachosalate, noodle salad, layer salad and meat salad. All so delicious
I don’t have to know every salad
I eat the classic with tomatoes and feta cheese
I eat most salads, whether leaf salad, mixed salads, salads, which are put on bread and and and…
Super lecker 🙂
Was es jeden Tag bei uns gibt ist ein großer gemischter Salat “mit allem” 🙂
Leaks 😋