Was esst ihr an Weihnachten?
Liebe Community
Was gibt es bei euch an Weihnachten zu essen?
Bei mir gibt es am 24.12. Kartoffelsalat und Wienerli und da ich keinen Alkohol trinke, gibt es Rimuss.
Was es am 25.12. gibt, weiss ich noch nicht.
Vielen Dank für eure Antworten! 😃
Ho Ho Ho Ho
we have our own tradition!
on 24.12 there are
a semmel
And on 25.12
Duck/gun with dumplings red cabbage and any salad
Images are from Google!
Beautiful Christmas Days❄️
Thanks for the star ⭐
On Christmas give duck breast with self-made semmelknödel( With bacon) red cabbage and sauce with wine and oranges and cinnamon.
To do this as a dessert a small place.
On the 25th there are salmon in foliage (with herbs and lemon) and Tagliatelle with shrimp and white wine – cream sauce (with dill).
Cookies in different variations.
26 ter gives potato bread with sour wort (bask) and Kassler and Knepfle .
Salad and speculative – layer dessert.
For Christmas there are always goose with green lumps, red wort and brown roast sauce.
The Christmas holidays are different. Once there’s hare, sometimes goose, sometimes roar or wild boar, and sometimes lenses with ruster.
To the dishes (except naturally lentils) there are always green lumps or wraps, sour wort or red wort and, of course, roast sauce suitable for the respective meat.
Rarely there are also roulettes, but we actually eat roulettes more than a year and not for Christmas.
The OneHalt08
Our traditional food is Beoseot Jeongol and Bulgogi as the main course. Sigeumchi Namul, Kimchi and rice as a supplement and as dessert Yaksik and Sujeonggwa.
To drink there is a selection of Soju, Makgeolli, strawberry milk, hot chocolate, tea of any kind and of course also water.
This year, traditionally as every year, we have the following:
Christmas Eve I’m alone, as I eat something, and on the 25th we go Greek.
also looks like this at me, but on the 1st and 2nd holiday there is something from the pan or the stew (Rouladen).
On the 24th at noon chicken broth from the capaun with Grießnocken, in the evening potato salad with liver cheese, with a Zwickl beer. The menu for the 25th is not yet fixed, there is definitely an aperitif with hors d’oevre, probably marinated or smoked char, depending on what follows. Then there is a frying depending on the success of the game, lamb, rabbit, beef, duck or goose with matching supplements and to the conclusion brat apple from the old Plattlinger variety with nut-rum filling. To the aperitif there is a wine cult, to roast a branch barrique. For the roast we take a shopping trip on the weekend, after which we know more.
The 24th there is nothing special about me, I have to work. At the 25th we make Boeuf salad and cattle shop with dumplings and red cabbage. The 26th probably the remains or something small.
I make beef rouladen, even made late zle, potato salad and green salad, because that’s what my grandchildren want.
will I wish?
We’re making raclette! This is not only great for the kids, but also incredibly versatile.
Vegan Antipasti and a large selection of bread. In addition, many paintings.
We have a red cabbage snack on Christmas.
What it did on 24.12. & 26.12. I don’t know yet.
24. Potato salad Bockwurst
25.12 Sauer roasts, dumplings and red cabbages
26.15 for related?
There are fillets from the Bentheim pig with pepper-balsamico-rahm and late zle .
Traditional sausages with potato salad.
Carving and child pussy
I don’t know what I eat on the 24th or 25th. Why do you want to know?