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Heyyho Schleichsuchti1 👋
I prefer to eat from the baker Croissants, find the simply super tasty 🥐😋
Chocolate cake or so I like or rolls, but I like croissants 🙃
What’s your favorite? 🙃
Greetings Arina 😊
Yes, I too:)
Also so donuts, chocolate rolls, Belgian waffeln^^
Are you talking about Belgian waffles Gauffre Liégeoise?
Nice, yes, Belgian waffles are also class 😊
And thank you for the star! ⭐
Oh yes, Croissants are just super tasty 😋
Jaa 😍🥰😋
Grain husks, bread and baguette – but also whole grain bread
and (not often- so maybe 2x a year) a leak in the form of a piece of cake with thick, real, narrow butter cream – that must be
I don’t eat it with the baker: I buy it there and take it home
“Bäcker” I eat nothing, but I get my bread, my rolls, breads and other pastries only there.
“Lovely” isn’t there with me, my favorite is always what I have an appetite. Very tasty in this baker are the pretzels, the multi-grain and walnut bread and I love the pumpkin seed rolls
Yes, or just “from”
“When you go to the baker’s cafe 😉
Yes, both 😉
I like to eat… from the baker:
Warm rolls, carrot-mais-stange and also a Brezel:)
very good strong bread. Unfortunately, this is quite rare,
Raspberry cakes, cheesecakes are my favorites at the bakery.
Chocolate crossi
Bread and rolls…. . I just love good bread 🥖
Oven fresh Swabian pulp. The most important thing is still warm.
I have urgent bock on bagdad’s bakery
Fresh double baked whole grain bread and fresh rolls. :-
donuts 🍩
Bread! ♥ Bare peasant bread, stone oven bread or something!