Was essen nach Zahn Extraktion?


gestern wurde mir ein stark entzündeter Zahn gezogen. Nun darf/sollte man ja für 3 Tage auf Milchprodukte verzichten. Dazu sollte das Essen weich sein und nicht stark gewürzt.

Hat jemand Ideen, was man als warme Mahlzeit essen kann? Trockene Nudeln sind ja irgendwie auch nicht so das wahre. Und Ketchup möchte ich mir wegen des Essigs auch nicht unbedingt drauf tun. Vielleicht hat ja jemand den ein oder anderen Tipp. Würde mich freuen. 😊

Zusätzliche Frage: Ist Remoulade ein Milchprodukt. Würde gern ein gekochtes Ei essen mit etwas Remoulade.

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8 months ago

Most think they’re tough, but I think they taste better than their reputation: so finished baby pussy.

They’re with all kinds of tastes. Even spagetti or beef with potato bread… and most tasty are the glasses with fruit.

8 months ago

In Remoulade is also vinegar in it, I would eat the egg with some salt and a soft milk bread coated with butter or margarine.

I always eat noodles with salt and olive oil there you can also slice onions and garlic. (Spaghetti Aglio e Olio)

Good improvement!

8 months ago

Remoulade contains egg… Is there something about animal. Contents.

Probiers with soup, potato or vegetable cream of your choice

8 months ago

It is true that you should avoid sharp spices, but something like Oregano zb is okay, should only stay ned in the wound. Yes Dairy products are ned so good because they occupy the whole mouth area, however, this is also decoyable and saliva passes it on, hot when you gently groom with e.g. chamomile every time you eat, is anti-inflammatory, ned just let go gently, should it stay as good as possible, presumed your immune system is normal healthy.

Then only Brei is valid. I have been cruel and eating milk despite the tooth wound, with enough mindfulness it is, but of course, it isn’t so smart, there are recipes for soaking something in the way. Emergency son.