Was essen gegen Depressionen?
Alles steht schon oben bin w12 und habe Depressionen und mich geritzt…und kurze Nebenfrage kriegt man irgendwo nicht verschreibungspflichtige Antidepressiva
Alles steht schon oben bin w12 und habe Depressionen und mich geritzt…und kurze Nebenfrage kriegt man irgendwo nicht verschreibungspflichtige Antidepressiva
Hallo Bin unruhig und kann nicht locker sein! Habt ihr Tipps? Bitte seriöse Ratschläge!
Huhu, ich habe ab Februar 2024 bis letze Woche Sertralin 75mg eingenommen. Da ich durch diese aber eine starke Schweißbildung hatte, riet meine Hausärztin zu einem Wechsel. nun nehme ich 10mg Citalopram & bis jetzt muss ich sagen das ich deutlich weniger schwitze. denkt ihr das es an dem Medi Wechsel liegt ?
Kennt ihr das wenn ihr die ganze Zeit glücklich wart und plötzlich werdet ihr ohne Grund richtig traurig und niedergeschlagen? Woher kommt das?
Hi immer wenn ich z.B. wissenschaftliche Artikel im Internet lese und dann meinen Eltern davon erzähle sagen die direkt:,, Wenn du dich mal so für die schule interessieren würdest“ oder wenn ich mich mit freunden treffen will und am nächsten tag eine Klassenarbeit oder Test schreibe, für den ich schon die letzten 5 Tage gebüffelt…
Hello Elfe2011!
The drugs used against depression are primarily prescription antidepressants.
They influence the balance of messengers such as serotonin or norepinephrine in the brain.
However, there are different views as to whether the antidepressants are helpful. Some doubt their effect, others think they are indispensable. As with many other treatments, they can help in certain situations, not in others.
They are particularly suitable for medium-heavy, severe and chronic depressions, usually not at all. They can also have undesirable side effects.
Alternatively, herbal, non-prescription drugs can help.
Johanniskraut acts soothing, brightening and relaxing. It is also available as a tea tablet.
The herbal medicine “Neurapas balance” is in depressive mood with nervous restlessness. This is available with pure vegetable active ingredients currant, valerian, passion flower. Three strong medicinal plants for more vitality and energy.
Rosenwurz extract help with short-term typical stress problems such as exhaustion and sadness.
Herbal medicines with passion flower are traditionally used with nervous rest.
What to eat against depression?
A balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruit as well as whole grain products, low-fat proteins and healthy fats.
Avoid sugary snacks and processed foods that can lead to blood sugar fluctuations and deteriorate your mood.
Take enough omega 3 fatty acids to you, which are contained in fat fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines as well as in walnuts and linseed.
Eat foods rich in vitamins D and B12 are like dairy products, eggs and enriched cereal products.
Drink sufficient water to avoid headache, fatigue and irritability.
There are also some foods that should be avoided in depressives. They have a negative impact on mood and well-being.
Foods that are rich in sugar, salt and fat can have a negative impact on mood and lead to weight gain and other health problems.
Trans fats contained in many foods and snacks can increase the risk of depression and other mental illnesses.
Greetings Sarkasie
Thank you for the star 🙂 Happy!
Right, and that’s exactly what you should do.
Your parents will help you and go to a doctor with you. That’s the right way.
With me zb my parents are the triggers:( everything is not so easy
Best for a therapist. You may get prescribed medication.
Effective, non-prescription antidepressants are not actually available, at least the experience shows relatively little if you are really mentally ill. Johanniskraut will have an antidepressive effect after several days to weeks of taking, however this can also have side effects and above all interactions with other medicines.
What you can do relatively risk-free is to take valerian and/or lavender oil (e.g. Lasea) as capsules or tablets if you are tensed or cannot sleep. If the active ingredient is tolerated, there are no side effects and no interactions.
However, you will only receive correct help or support from a psychiatrist and/or a psychotherapist.
And what can I eat at snacks or something like that?
best helps what you like about snacks and that you eat the mindful, so don’t eat a pack but taste what you eat, do a mindful exercise. And snack what your soul does well 🙂
Against depression, snacks usually help less, but important is a balanced diet and a good vitamin level, especially vitamin D and B12. Lack of vitamins or in general nutrients can also negatively affect depression.
Just go to a doctor. Then you get the help you need.
But if you’re a minor, and the recipe you’ve got to make is that my parents say, right?
Yeah, but you shouldn’t be afraid of that. At some point they get it with