Was erwartet mich beim Urologen?

Ich bin 20 und habe seit ich 12 oder 13 bin eine Vorhautverengung. Ich habe kein gutes Verhältnis zu meiner Mutter, daher habe ich mich nie getraut, irgendetwas zu sagen. Jetzt will ich endlich zum Arzt.

Bisher habe ich es nicht geschafft, einen Termin zu machen, weil ich Angst vor der Reaktion vom Arzt habe. Ich war so dumm, dass ich im Suff und Frust mit 16 versucht habe, das Problem selbst zu lösen und mir mit einem Messer die Vorhaut eingeschnitten habe.

Zum Glück hat sich nichts entzündet, aber mein Problem wurde nicht besser, sondern hat sich sogar verschlimmert. Es gab eine Narbe, die macht die Vorhaut nochmal enger.

Ich habe die ganze Zeit schon überlegt, mir so einen Beschneidungsstapler zu kaufen, aber wenn das nochmal schiefgeht…

Ich habe ein geringes Selbstbewusstsein, auch weil mein Penis nicht sehr groß ist. Deswegen bin ich extrem gehemmt, was Nacktheit angeht.

Wird der Arzt etwas zu der Narbe sagen oder zu meiner Penisgröße? Mir wäre das megapeinlich, wenn ich mich erklären müsste.

Danke für eure Antworten und Einschätzungen.

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1 year ago

First, you don’t have to be ashamed of anything, every size is individual and no reason to worry! The doctor has already examined all possible forms/sizes and he will not ask anything about it!

Second: You could conceal the incident as a “masturbation deficiencies” (e.g. “in masturbating, the foreskin is torn in” …)

All good 🙂

1 year ago

Okay. You tried it yourself, please never do it again. It doesn’t help you, and luckily nothing happened.

I was cut with about 13. The urologist will look at your situation. A few tests make how far the foreskin can be advanced.

Then he’ll explain what he’ll do. There are partial circumcisions and complete.

Most of the time:

Under anesthesia, the doctor will gradually separate the foreskin. The doctor then sews the skin with self-solving threads on the penis after your acorn. That means your acorn will be exposed. This will be connected and you will need to take camomile baths to calm this currently very sensitive skin.

The bandage gradually dissolves. Since this becomes difficult due to the moisture you cut off the bandage again and again. Don’t worry, there’s nothing happening.

After about 10 – 14 days when they have broken threads. Is the retracted skin with your penis somewhat grown and the threads will slowly dissolve.

Then the doctor also assesses how your course of healing is.

Complications are maximum super rare. (Anaesthesia)

These numerous nerve ends that were previously covered are free, but they are covered by their own cornea. You become a little more insensitive, but you still feel everything.

1 year ago

Hi that you have taken to such a drastic measure is understandable from your point of view. What happened can’t be changed. Please make an appointment with a urologist and tell what your concern is. He’ll find the best solution with you. Which will probably lead to circumcision in your case. Don’t worry about it. It’s so bad. But please don’t even look for solutions, it already costs to talk to his doctor about it. Just ask yourself to go to the doctor.

1 year ago
Reply to  xls2410

Find me very good

1 year ago

At Logan’s office, it’ll be the first time you’re expecting a person looking at your problems and taking you seriously. That’s the most important thing.

I don’t know how strong your constriction is, unfortunately, you haven’t described it. But if you’ve already cut it around and it’s getting worse, it seems to be serious.

feel free to visit the doctor, because it’s probably going to be circumcision. And that’s the best thing that can happen to you.

so look forward to the appointment, go easy on it, describe your problems, call your wishes, and the urologist will find a solution with you.

whether he operates himself in practice (which is likely) or whether he sends you somewhere depends on the organization of his practice. But he’ll organize it for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  xls2410

Well, I’m very sure of my experience….

1 year ago

In front of a urolog whether M or W you need to nich genius as it is their profession and have seen the long or small penises. The doctor looks at your problem and will advise you what is best in your case.

1 year ago

Penis size doesn’t matter to the urologist. He’ll examine the whole thing and advise you to circumcision. Possibly, he’ll notice the cut and ask you what happened. After circumcision, you will not see any more of it.

1 year ago

The doctor is a professional who must have seen a lot. For your problem, neither the size nor the cause of the scar plays a role. Probably the doctor will recommend circumcision for your problem because scar tissue cannot be stretched well.

By the way: I already heard that someone had to be trimmed because he had clamped the fore skin in the zipper…

1 year ago

Go to the urologist and let your problem check, the doctor will not say anything to your size, and to your scar he will probably not say anything, as I speak from my own experience

1 year ago
Reply to  xls2410

I had several scars on the foreskin

1 year ago

To your penis size, the doctor will say nix or make fun of you.

If he talks to you on the scar, you can say that when you play as a child in the garden you had a misfortune…

There are also (special) doctors to help if you have a problem, sick is etc….

So take your courage together and let this check out when the current state burdens you.

1 year ago

The doctor has already seen much worse than your penis and a scar of a stupidity as a teenager.

If it helps you… I used to make a bubble reflection, and during that time, the doctor told me about people who pushed Christmas candles into the urethra because she was sexually attacked… or little soldiers.

In other words, your penis and your scar is probably not even in the top 10 of the most absurd things that the urologist you’ve ever faced when he’s been in business for a few years.

So go, let’s examine you and then find out what’s going on. And no more attempts.