Was Eltern zu Ostern schenken?
Hallo brauche noch ein Last Minute Geschenk für meine Eltern ohne was zu kaufen weil ich nicht mehr zum einkaufen komme bis Ostern. lol
Hallo brauche noch ein Last Minute Geschenk für meine Eltern ohne was zu kaufen weil ich nicht mehr zum einkaufen komme bis Ostern. lol
I recently built a PC with a Radeon 7700XT. The PC works perfectly, but I've noticed in Fortnite that when I look around, these lines keep appearing where the image somehow shifts. It's hard to explain, but it looks something like this: It's not that bad. The game is playable, but it's annoying. Does anyone…
Ich mach für meine Eltern einen Adventskalender… Was könnte ich noch reingeben?
Habe mir gerade bei mmoga GTA 5 gekauft und den Code bei Steam eingeben aber da steht dass der Code ungültig ist. Kann mir einer weiterhelfen?
Guten Tag, das Weihnachtsfest naht – steht euer Weihnachtsbaum schon? 🎄 Viele Grüße.
Hello, I've been sent several audio files. The files don't have a file extension, but I know they're Opus. I'd like to convert them to MP3 or WAV. However, no conventional audio converter seems to be working. After much Googling and browsing, I found this page ( Save Toniefigur as MP3 – Create Backup –…
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If you don’t get to buy, you’ll have to make something yourself.
Otherwise, I would have suggested buying chocolates.
Thank you.
So either chocolate or you craft something that has to do with Easter. Or you give a card or something.
Make a voucher for a zoo visit :o)
aside from being able to shop tomorrow and Saturday (in neighbouring countries, on Friday), as well as at gas stations, railway stations and airports,
I find it a pity that Easter has now been made for a 2nd Christmas party with gift eows.
Therefore, only the children and also “only” Easter nests with chocolate buns and eggs, possibly a Malbuch or a book, are hidden and sought with us.
In addition, there is a common Easter breakfast on a – mostly from older children – beautifully covered breakfast table decorated with fresh spring flowers and Easter decoration (self-made)
and a joint Easter walk.
Maybe that’s suggestions for you.
Happy Easter!
Gifts for Easter? A few Easter eggs are enough
Make a map. Lol.
A picture