Was denkt ihr wer ist im recht?

eine arbeitnehmerin hat sehr starke periodenschmerzen teilw bis zur arbeitsunfähigkeit. Sie tut vieles dagegen: yoga, pflanzen, nimmt magnesium eisen usw , gesunde ernährung, atemübungen (also alles „nicht medikamemtöse“ teilweise nimmt sie auch schmerzmittel im notfall das leider nicht mehr hilft

aufgrund eines traumas fällt ihr der artztbesuch schwer bis unmöglich

kann der ag sie zwingend noch stärkere medis zu nehmen die rventuell die niere /leber der an schädigen oder gar zwingend zum frauenarzt zu gehen?

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9 months ago

The AG could dismiss her due to too frequent medical conditions.

Trauma in or around – at some point, for this woman the pressure of suffering must be so high that it finally penetrates to the doctor’s visit. By the way, the AG can also demand this from it!

9 months ago
Reply to  Privatarbeit

Perhaps everything, but is it not itself obliged to ensure that their working capacity is as good as possible?

9 months ago
Reply to  Waldi2007

The lady doesn’t go to the doctor or to the doctor.

She’s treating herself. Both physically and mentally

9 months ago
Reply to  kugel


9 months ago

Both are right. The AG may expect it to work, but they do not “force” to strong media etc. As you write it, the AG should be quietly more emphatic. But that the AN has to work is the way.

But the situation of the AN is understandable and I would recommend to her to look at this in a therapy. There might be. (I don’t know) a letter will be drawn up to testify to their situation.

Whether the AG accepts this, or it will sooner or later be a different story, unfortunately :/

9 months ago

The employer must not force them, so do not personally drag them to the doctor or administer them against their will.

But he can tell her if she can’t do her job to his satisfaction. And that’ll happen sooner or later.

9 months ago

In any case, the AG would be entitled to receive an AU certificate. Precisely with regular (approximately particularly good…) failures.

And this could only be a doctor…

Because life is not just a regular pain and the likelihood is quite great that you could use a doctor otherwise, I would rather work to process the trauma.

9 months ago

The AG cannot force anyone to go to the doctor or take other medicines. But he can kick you out (even in your trial period) and that’ll happen when you start here again like your last job. Take a therapy….

9 months ago

The employer may request a medical certificate at any time from the first day of illness.

This might make the doctor two or three times “simply” but then the investigations a la blood collection and possibly ultrasound

And transfer to a gynecologist or gynecology

You hide behind a trauma, sniff with your dramas at work (both period and hours of toilet walks) one job after another.

We’re gonna quit. There is also a sample time

9 months ago

The AG is not allowed to force them, but to declare a commandment to be in medical treatment in respect of maintenance of workability. As a further ‘printer’ he could ‘release’ the AN or quit properly.

9 months ago

“Force” not directly now… but he can give a lot of emphasis so that a doctor can take care of it.

9 months ago
Reply to  Privatarbeit

Then you’re leaving in the trial period.

9 months ago
Reply to  Privatarbeit

Which doctor can always look at this and judge about it.

9 months ago

All excuses. We know about you.

You don’t change your problems. When one calls learning helplessness and is soooo practical to keep oneself in the innocence.

But good, are your pain. Then keep suffering. But do not constantly expect understanding from others.

9 months ago

you are obliged to do everything you need in case of illness, which helps you in recovery, and there is also a doctor’s visit.

9 months ago
Reply to  Privatarbeit

You’re not a doctor. you don’t know all the possibilities. Let you examine or risk a termination, that’s your thing. If you can’t go to the doctor because of a trauma, find psychological help. you can’t do anything and expect your problems to be solved by yourself. Einstein once said: “The definition of madness is: to do the same again and again and to expect other results. “and he was absolutely right.

9 months ago

send to the doctor stop.

9 months ago

Even if you like to delete my answers because you don’t like them….

You’re a young woman, you have all your life in front of you.

No AG does this theatre for a long time, you have already experienced it.

This is also not very popular in the circle of colleagues, others need to carry out your work…

You can be an opponent of drugs, but you can’t feel the consequences. And as it looks, or reads, you don’t stop the pain.

You experienced a trauma years ago… I don’t think that’s nice, but you still have to go to a doctor… don’t let this trauma determine your life.

You don’t know what you’ve got… it can be harmless, maybe life-threatening…. is your life really so irrelevant to you?

You can’t call the rescue because there could be a man…. so it’s not that bad, because then you don’t care who comes and helps you.

If you don’t want to take medicines… there are also doctors who know each other with rechargeable batteries… you could try.

But please do something!