Was denkt ihr von svv narben?
Wenn ihr Menschen mit svv narben seht, was denkt ihr dann? Und ab wann würdet ihr narben als doll einschätzen und wann als weniger doll? Is natürlich beides schlimm aver man ordnet das ja automatisch in “krasse” narben und weniger “schlimme” narben ein.
I always wonder what happened to this person. What this person has experienced and how it could come.
The problem is that people with light scars can experience much harder than people with strong scars and you can see how different people can deal with situations.
Have often seen people with extreme scars and wounds and always wanted to go and say how strong this person is eig. But I only work online (Thank you😎)
I think every injury is bad. be it a fire wound or cut wounds. And everyone feels something different than “bright” scars. This can be 3 small scars already visible on the one hand and on the other when the whole arm is full.
You can never forget how strong these people are and how far they have managed to do it with this extreme strength
I think then:
This man did not simply have it in life and suffered a lot. Finally he learned to deal with his fate.May God bless him.
➡️No one has to be ashamed of scars, no matter where they come from.
It’s always Heroes’ scars ,they testify to a survival fight .And you survived .This is always a great achievement .
I haven’t seen any self-inflicted scars yet.
I only know this through the reports on GF.
I would have felt sorry for the person first: who knows why he does.
When I look at Maedchen with svv scars, I thought: oh, there’s a lot going wrong. Whether the scars are more or less, would make me no difference.
If my daughter (14) dealing with someone haette with fresh svvv scars, don’t be right to me.
There’s a story behind every scar.