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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Suspicion diagnosis: Edgelord Personality Disorder

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2 years ago

Well, honestly. Weakhead. With such children’s eggs like grass, it had little to do. He’s got tons of cocaine, he was a murderer and, by the way, he’s totally messed up the ecology of a nearby river with Hippos. So, no, except for tootale Looser, no model.

A day in the slums of Bogota, Quito, Sao Paulo, Cali, a day at the Frankfurt Crack scene and the so-called Robin Hood South America no longer remains.

2 years ago

I think Pablo Escobar has to do with “Ciffs” about as much as the Pope has with stretching towers.
With such questions, I am more concerned about the questioner than about a possible meaning of his question.

2 years ago

Pablo Escobar was a mass murderer. Setting him as a “big gangster” bears little expertise. The comparison with cannabis (“kiffen”) also suggests that Escobar is engaged exclusively in the eport and distribution of cocaine. When he was alive.

2 years ago

I’ve never met such a person.