Was denkt ihr über Influencern?
Was sagt ihr zu dem “Beruf”?
Meine Meinung:
In meinen Augen ist Urlaub machen, davon Fotos posten, sowie vor die Kamera setzen, reden und Video schneiden kein richtiges arbeiten (z.B. Youtuber)
Evtl. kann es mal etwas anstrengend/nervig sein, weil man den Druck hat immer funktionieren zu müssen.
Aber von Stress o.ä. kann nie und nimmer die Rede sein.
Ich finde es ungerecht wie viel z.B. ein Julienco verdient. Vielleicht ist da auch etwas Neid meinerseits, mag sein. Dennoch finde ich sollten andere Jobs (überlebenswichtige Jobs!), wie z.B. Krankenschwestern, Polizisten, Feuerwehrmänner und solche halt, viiiieeeeeel mehr verdienen, als solche “Realitystars” oder “Influencer” und co.
Was sagt ihr dazu ?
I think it’s okay because everyone’s free to do something similar. I meanwhile earn the most money on the stock exchange and the effort for it is much lower than that of an influencer. That’s why it’s absolutely okay for me.
the world is not just
What do I think about it? It’s not a profession. It is a paid employment with expiry date.
I never find influencers good
Few entertain me and these are more creators who produce their content in a complicated way
rubber ball
No, it’s not a profession. Maybe temporary employment. The awakening comes later.
So in principle I have nothing against influencers, but meanwhile there are people who earn a buck of money with very clumped ways, which I don’t like very much. However, I can’t change it…but if the format should be good, in my opinion, the profit you like Free
If it is so unfair then will influencer? If it were so simple then no one would work anymore and everyone would be influencer.
The Right (!) Influencer… these are independent entrepreneurs with employees!
Many influencers usually work far more than the usual 40 hours a week – therefore: Yo is a “right” job! They are also active off the camera!
You realize at all corners and ends that you have no idea about the profession of the influencer.
then please teach me
Peter already did.