Was denkt ihr über europäische Männer die chinesische Frauen haben und gemeinsame Kindern und unter sich Chinesisch sprechen?

Zum Beispiel Deutsche Männern(kenne ich einige),die chinesische Frauen und gemeinsame Kindern haben,die können auch gut Deutsch,aber manchmal spricht diese Familie Chinesich.

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1 year ago

It is normal that the partners also learn the language of the other, and that the children also learn both languages.

How else could the grandchildren communicate with the grandparents from China if they can’t be Chinese.

My own children have already heard French in the mother’s womb and later they have spoken to me French and German with my husband!

Together we spoke German or Swiss, but my husband has learned more and more French, so that he can now advise the French speaking customer in the construction market.

1 year ago

why not. It is a huge gift for children to receive a second language.