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2 years ago

Many people try to prove that they are definitely not the top of evolution.

2 years ago
Reply to  RedPanther


2 years ago

Man is the top of evolution

Well, since evolution has no goal and it is not a sprint, but a marathon, I wouldn’t sign it.

How do you even define “peak of evolution”? If that weren’t the kind of jelly Turritopsis dohrniiwho managed to be biologically immortal?

and the most intelligent being on earth

100% consent

therefore all other species on earth must subordinate themselves to him

Factically, if you look at victims of shark, bear or lion attacks. We should be glad that we are intelligent, because that is why we realize that we are blading our own grave. Predators don’t think it’s smart to eat less today to have prey animals tomorrow. They eat to barely exist prey animals and starve the prey. Then the stock of prey animals can recover.

We wouldn’t stop if we weren’t smart, because we don’t starve if we killed all the prey animals in the world. We can also eat plants.

2 years ago

This statement is stupid and childish-naiv. Reasons. :

Evolution has neither goals nor tips. Evolution simply happens, is a permanent adaptation of living beings, whether animal or plant, to changing environmental conditions. People only have a tiny period of time in the history of life on this planet. Man is at the time of the tips – Predator, a highly effective all-eating predator.

No form of life has ever been subordinated to another, because this is a conscious wily act and thus does not exist in nature and permanent evolution.

2 years ago

Is the statement of an election poster of the FDP?

2 years ago

Then, please define the terms in your question to get an impression of what you want in content with the answers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dontlikeputin

Not in the sense of your question. Alone intelligence and measurement / assessment of it. And what do you understand subordinate? You use terms in a very general question and don’t give a hint about what you’re special about.

2 years ago

I would not be sure that man is the most intelligent being on earth;-)

2 years ago
Reply to  Dontlikeputin

not, cows also do not burn what nature has made of plants (wood coal and gas), carbon (carbon dioxide) to make the earth habitable.

Nature has buried it deep in the earth. Man’s gonna get this out.

Intelligence is different.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dontlikeputin

Is there any other creatures except cows but I think with them your horizon is reached xD

2 years ago

In addition, people have known for at least 60 years. So you know, you’ve been working on destroying yourself for 60 years. Yes really very intelligent … doh:-/

2 years ago

That’s obvious

2 years ago

Nothing. No species of the earth is so stupid to ruin the basis of life so radically. What this has to do with intelligence must be explained to me first.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stellwerk

It depends. Viruses, for example, would also completely eradicate the host in which they themselves take the basis of life. Question is, viruses are living beings within the meaning of the question.

2 years ago
Reply to  MaxSensibel

But don’t do viruses. If too many hostes die, the virus mutates in time and becomes less fatal. Covid19 with its different variants is the best example.

2 years ago

Mutation is not a controlled relationship that is triggered to protect a species, can therefore not serve as the best example.