Was denkt Ihr kost die Reparatur?
Da hier viele das so machen, will ich nun auch mal 😉
Da hier viele das so machen, will ich nun auch mal 😉
Gestern hatte mein Auto 🚗 noch 130 Kilometer angezeigt (Reichweite bis zum ⛽️). Heute nachdem ich zur Arbeit gefahren bin nur 106 Kilometer. Ist das Normal ?. (Ich bin nicht Schneller wie sonst gefahren). (Meine Arbeit ist keine 24 Kilometer entfernt) Ich Fahre auch sonst nicht Schnell.
Moin. Hab einen Mercedes w202 Baujahr 1994. Es gibt im Laden so blaue Scheinwerfer. Xenon Art. Wo kann ich sehen ob die erlaubt sind für mein Auto also ob ich die überhaupt einbauen und benutzen darf?
Hallo Leute, ich brauche eure Hilfe bei meinem T5 Transporter. Ich habe etwas Defektes entdeckt: Es stellt sich heraus, dass der Draht, den ihr auf den Fotos seht, herausgesprungen ist. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wo er hingehört. Könnt ihr mir helfen? Vielen Dank!
Ich habe bald meine fahrprüfung und ich habe eine Frage.Ich hab einige Probleme beim richtig einordnen vor dem Abbiegen.Bei Einbahnstraßen mit/ohne zusatzschild weiss ich bescheid.Bei normalen Straßen allerdings bin ich mir nicht sicher.Ich weiss dass man sich ja eigentlich möglichst weit rechts einordnen soll wegen Gegenverkehr.Manchmal beim linksabbiegen musste ich mich zum linksabbiegen links einordnen…
80€ parking fee for one week is a bit much for me. Does anyone know of cheaper alternatives?
More than 10 grand safe. I almost think that the boy is on a target bench here.
In principle, this will be an economic total damage
I still have a little to complain about whether the economic total damage could be
But think rather in the direction. Isn’t there any more an invalid new model if probably a 7 (?)
So, as far as I can see, there’s not much essential caput.
Not much materiality is about 15-16,000 euros for BMW. If, contrary to expectations, longitudinal beams/cutches have gotten off, the direction goes 20,000, only the Metallic complete lacquering is already somewhere at 6000 euros.
Of course, as always, a huge scissors between a repair that restores the previous technical and optical condition and a backyard repair with loud used parts from the utiliser or from a slaughter vehicle.
I’d be the last guy, but everyone has to know that.
Nee, he’s gone if you can’t pull yourself and screws
Thus a roughly comparable damage was rated at Volvo (S80) at €20-22t. Think BMW is similar. In the free workshop maybe 13-18t€, depending on your quality…
“the other looks worse!”
Is it your or the one who had to put in?
Faith knows the answer 😛
I can’t tell you
My brother discovered the roadside. I would be out of the picture for total economic damage
Hm, hm so will be..
I’m pretty sure.
also think if this visible “wall” looks through the headlight through intact
But engine hood, side part. How the other side looks
If evtl. Karosse u.o. Chassis, you can do nix yourself. Then it becomes very expensive or a case for car use.
uiuiui, that looks pretty expensive. It can cost 8000 to 10,000.
sewing that costs twice as much
About a workshop and with new parts probably at least 6000€ upwards, depending on what is also/are still defective (coolers, etc.) also more.
4000 € to 6000 € in any case
If the doors have dipped into the frame, it is more likely to move towards total damage
You only see the sheet metal damage. Depending on the actual damage, the 5 can be achieved.
This would have to be looked at on the spot, which is exactly all-referenced and which damages to and in the engine range are present, since an economic total damage can quickly be present.
12,000 euros. If the engine is hot.
Speak total damage.
you have to look at what’s still broken inside the car.
It’s a total damage.
If this is not less than 15,000 exchanges
I would say 3,000-4-500€
Holla the Waldfee 😱 The price is different depending on the workshop, but you will definitely come into the thousands
Do you think someone’s coming over from the forum and fixing it? Or the workshop? Hmm, difficult question 🙋 ♂️
4.5 to 6000 mills…