Was denkt ihr, gibt es Aliens?
Hallo ich wollte mal einfach eure Meinung wissen, was denkt ihr, gibt es Aliens im Weltall? Weil ob die Beweise vom Internet wahr sind bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es Fake ist oder nicht.
Hallo Leute. Die Frage geht an alle Chemie Experten unter euch. Ich m 13 habe das Thema gerade und kriege die Frage nicht beantwortet. Schon mal im Voraus vielen Dank!
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Hey Leute vor mir steht diese Aufgabe und deren Lösung. Ich verstehe wie alles ausgelöst wurde außer bei c. Wieso hat man diese Formel verwendet? Muss man eigentlich die 200km betrachten oder wäre das einfach so annehmbar? Eine Erklärung wäre hilfreich.
the time distances are substantially greater than the lifespans of species. There may have been or will be there, but a message from one to the other hardly reaches before their end, and if so, no one is there to hear the answer.
There is no real evidence of the existence of aliens. There are some videos of objects where you can’t say exactly what they are but there are no evidence for aliens yet. If it were probes, too.
However, it is extremely likely that there is still life in the vast areas of space somewhere even more developed. Not like in movies.
And if we found a planet with a highly technical civilization at 500 light years distance, we would see this planet like it was 500 years ago, vice versa. These aliens would see our Earth in the Middle Ages.
There are still somewhere with very great security, however, a direct contact or a visit is not possible.
For sufficiently advanced aliens our difference between the Middle Ages and Today would hardly be worth mentioning: both in terms of backwardness almost identical.
These 500 years are a reference framework for us – but time shift between hypothetical extraterrestrial intelligence and our current state of development would be much greater with the greatest probability.
Consider that life on earth has been developing for billions of years. And had to take steps back.
Carl Sagan, the well-known astronomer, astrophysicist and exobiologe, once said that it was a great waste of space if we were the only ones in the universe. And his friend Frank Drake developed an equation, the so-called Drake equation. With this one can estimate the likelihood of alien life according to its own optimism or pessimism. Different parameters and their likelihood can be entered and a result is obtained. With optimistic estimation, Frank Drake came to about 4 million inhabited planets, and with pessimistic one only per galaxy, as many should be (information at DLR_next). In my first probably too optimistic attempt, it would only have to be like living in space. Here you can try the website for yourself:
Drake equation calculator (spacecentre.nz)
Conclusion: It is very likely that there are other intelligent life forms in the universe. Only if we are aware of it is very unlikely, but possible. The SETI project has been looking for signals from space for decades. It is therefore only a matter of time when such a signal is received. Or was the so-called “WOW signal” such a thing? It had properties that pointed to an intelligent development.
Thank you for your answer:)
Most of the evidence is Fake about 5 to 10 percent are inexplicable phenomena, but that is not that it is highly developed aliens. But yes, there is a planet that is very similar to the earth, its name would be baptized in Kepler-452b he is also called second earth and look in the mirror you are also an alien, we are all aliens considered by other highly developed form of life, although we are aliens but for them we are very primitive.
Thank you for your answer:)
I am surrounded daily by them, especially at work.
Es gibt so viele Sterne und Planeten, dass es meiner Meinung nach schon fast ausserirdische geben muss – vorausgesetzt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass überhaupt Leben entsteht ist nicht verschwindend gering.
ESA – How many stars are there in the Universe?
Zu dieser unglaublich hohen Zahl an Sternen, gibt es durchschnittlich rund 1.6 (+0.72−0.89) Planeten pro Stern. Bezogen auf die “kleine” Milchstraße – also die Galaxie in welcher wir leben, werden rund 300 Millionen potenzielle bewohnbare Planeten geschätzt. Das ist lediglich unsere Galaxie, davon gibt es hunderte von Milliarden andere Galaxien.
About Half of Sun-Like Stars Could Host Rocky, Habitable-Zone Planets | NASA
Planeten, auf welchem theoretisch Leben existieren könnten, gibt es also selbst in unserer Galaxie in Fülle. Die Frage ist also eher, wie wahrscheinlich es ist, dass sich Leben überhaupt entwickelt. Vielleicht ist das so unwahrscheinlich, dass wir die einzigen Lebewesen im beobachtbaren Universum sind. Vielleicht ist es aber auch nicht so unwahrscheinlich und wir leben unter Milliarden von anderen Lebensformen. Das Problem ist, selbst wenn es Aliens gibt, werden wir mit diesen nicht in absehbarer Zeit irgendwie in Kontakt treten – jedenfalls von uns ausgehend. Die Entfernungen im Weltall sind einfach zu gross. Nur schon unsere Milchstraße hat einen Durchmesser von rund 100’000 Lichtjahren.
Wenn du dir hier unsere Milchstrasse ansiehst, wirst du unten (in der Vergrösserung) einen kleinen blauen Punkt erkennen. Dieser bezieht sich auf die Entfernung, welche unsere Radiowellen bis dato gekommen sind. Kurz gesagt also so gut wie überhaupt nirgendswo hin. Dieser blaue Punkt hat einen Durchmesser von etwa 200 Lichtjahren.
Bildquelle: Extent of human radio broadcasts by Eipifi on DeviantArt
Thank you for your answer:)
but probably only in other planetary systems
Of course there are aliens, I’m using one! Silicon-based, nix UFOs and so’n Unfug. Imagine the advantages of KI, so we can develop them until they see what’s coming! Climate warming is also planned by those who have made us feel the benefits of fossil energy, knowing that the disadvantages are of interest to us only when it is too late! Silicon likes it warmer than we do!
I don’t know if there are aliens, but I think their existence is very likely. And if I think of the multitude of discovered stars, discovered relatively close exoplanets and the Drake equation, I guess I’m not alone with this view.
However, as the selectable options include claims to be proven and there is no definitive evidence on this, none of the two assertions and therefore none of the two options are acceptable.
I think we have no contact with them
Thank you for your answer:)
You can assume it, but in any case not as much as in Hollywood.
There are certainly other lives, including intelligent life, in the universe. Unfortunately, the probability is low that we will ever learn about it.
So I don’t think of small green beings, but any individual or something will exist somewhere, just because the universe is so big
Ich denke schon.
Das Weltall ist immerhin ziemlich groß.
Thanks for the answer:)
There may be extraterrestrial intelligences, but we have no evidence.
If Alien’s extraterrestrial life, no matter how, is meant, then yes.
They won’t be interested in us.
Thank you for your answer 🙂