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Hatte gerade ein Vorstellungsgespräch für eine Ausbildung. Das Gespräch ging 30 Minuten.

Der Ausbilder meinte am Ende des Gesprächs dass er das gut findet und er der Meinung ist, dass man darauf aufbauen kann. Allerdings hab ich das Gefühl, dass der Chef nicht so begeistert war. Der meinte jetzt nichts negatives, aber am Ende dieses “Ich hab gerade gesehen, Mathe ist bei Ihnen nicht so der Börner, da müssen Sie sich aber drauf einstellen, dass das in der Berufsschule vorkommt. Fand das bissl frech, aber hab souverän reagiert. Jetzt meine Frage an euch: Ist es ein eher schlechtes Zeichen, dass das Gespräch nur 30 Minuten ging? Es wurden halt die Standardfragen befragt und danach hab ich paar Fragen gestellt. Aber so all in all fand ich die ziemlich kühl bis auf den Ausbilder, der am Ende auch mit einem “Bis Bald” antwortete.

Was sind eure Einschätzungen?

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2 months ago

Fand das bissl frech, but reacted souverän

If I don’t feel bad, it’s a normal question. That’s what it’s all about. If you did this, top. And as I said, it’s only natural that weaknesses are critically questioned.

Now my question to you: is it a rather bad sign that the conversation was only 30 minutes?

Do not have to be, sometimes after 30 minutes everything has been said and you understand or it is at least an impression there.

What are your assessments?

Sounds normal. I’d wait for the answer. I don’t see any direct rejection of what you’re reporting. As I said… critically questioning notes is part of it and how you replied, for example, how sovereign you really were I can’t estimate.

2 months ago

His commentary on your math note was not “good”, but justified and understandable.

Mathe is the most important subject in school – important for almost all future-proof professions and courses. Therefore, almost all employers pay most attention to the math note of the applicants.

And Note 3 isn’t good.
So if there are other candidates with better math notes, you can assume that the better chances are than you.

Anyway – a lot of success!

2 months ago

If an applicant comes with better maths, you may be out, k.A.

2 months ago
Reply to  Losona

Didn’t find the demand of him really bad. Of course, you talk about the services.

2 months ago

Hey, there’s nothing I can do to you. In my vintage there was planned 1 place, in the end we were 3 trainees for a job. We’ve all been equally convinced.

2 months ago

This is quite common for interviews. Bisschen assi, but staffers use this regularly.

I’m pushing the thumbs for the job!

2 months ago

Sometimes such questions are also used specifically to get you out of rest. Your answer was good.

His goal – to provoke you – he has nevertheless reached 😉

2 months ago

It’s okay. Evtl, like many others, you have to make an adjustment test and then you’ll be screened.

2 months ago

He wanted to hear what you said. What did you say?

2 months ago

Mathe is just super important and he met it, a three is really not a burner. With a five, they wouldn’t have let you come.

2 months ago

Don’t be bad. Three is okay. What’s the guy got? Many conversations take so long. After my master, the first place was such a quick handling. I almost beat the boss. But the owner wanted me.