Was denkst du über die Antwort von dem Kind an eine Sozialarbeiterin (Jugendamt)?
Eine gute Freundin von mir arbeitet beim Jugendamt und erzählte von einer Situation, bei der sie sich die Frage stellte, ob sie sich selber falsch verhalten hat oder das Kind vielleicht intelligenter ist als es sein Alter vermuten lässt.
Bei einem Hausbesuch traf sie auf ein elfjähriges Mädchen, das gerade seine Kaninchen fütterte. Um einen Kontakt herzustellen habe sie das Kind gefragt, ob die Kaninchen seine Freunde seien. Das Mädchen habe gelächelt und geantwortet, dass es ihre Haustiere sind, ihre Freunde seien Menschen.
Meine Freundin sagte, dass ihr daraufhin nichts mehr eingefallen sei, weil sie sich selber für einen Moment blöd vorgekommen ist. Sie sei dann zurück in das Gespräch mit den Eltern gegangen.
Das Mädchen sei dann in das Wohnzimmer gekommen und habe sie lächelnd beobachtet. Sie sei sich in dem Moment wie eine Idiotin vorgekommen. Das schreibt sie natürlich nicht in die Akte.
Meine Frage: könnt ihr die Gedanken meiner Freundin nachvollziehen? Was denkt ihr über die Antwort und das Verhalten von dem Kind?
I can understand a bit far, but I wouldn’t overestimate it.
my 3 year old was also asked by the MFA during the investigation whether he is a girl or a young one. he really said young. she then asked if I was a young or a girl. he said in spite: the mama is a woman!
similar to your friend.
I think it’s more about whether the rabbits are slaughtered. Vetegariers always say, “I don’t eat my friends.” I don’t eat my friends either: not dog, not cat, not goldfish, not goldhamster. But rabbits, chickens and co. are farm animals.
No, it’s not that. What’s up there is a question.
This is very speculative and has nothing to do with the question. Such a job at the youth office is certainly not easy, I wouldn’t want to work there and pull the hat in front of the people who made it their job.
I don’t understand why your girlfriend has a problem with an Elf-year-old? That was a normal answer if you suspect that the rabbits could also be kept for consumption.
Unusual entry question, but from my point of view it can be done quite as if you think it fits the child. If at all, I would rather ask younger children such a question.
I find it irritating that the social worker ends the conversation directly after this entry question and goes back to the parents. I would probably have asked about the answer for school friends or if the child visited an association. This can usually be a very good conversation. And then, if necessary, you can get in deeper questions.
You don’t expect such an answer.
But I would have said something to the girl at the latest in the living room, because it is obviously intelligent.
What? Now it is, and that is all but dramatic.
Are you a fan of the late Queen?
If the YES comes to the family, it will probably not belong to the “Ober tens of thousands”. It is therefore obvious that the rabbits are also kept for food.
The Youth Office comes to families of all strata. Also rich people do not necessarily deal with their children or do not have any problems with their children, so they themselves apply for family help. In many divorces with children, the youth office is involved and nobody asks about the shift.
Most of it would be better if the YES were not.
Everyone prefers that YES wouldn’t come. Yeah, so? It is their job and they have a very important job: ensuring and guaranteeing child welfare. There it can be no matter whether they like the YES or not to all parents and to every person, it still comes if a child could be at risk.
And those who turn on the YES themselves would probably also be much better to do it without. Whether it’s a divorce now, and they don’t get settled as separate parents in terms of time of use without a moderator, or because they have a heavier child, perhaps even a neurodiverse or disabled child, and therefore reach their limits with their educational means. In fact, however, the issue is not represented in every youth office, sometimes there is an independent development aid. Nonetheless, many parents with neurodiversal children voluntarily get help in their household, because the organisation from schools, therapies cannot be looked through alone, and family help is quite helpful when children tend to aggressions, for example, due to their impairment.
My six-year-old would have responded similarly.
Your friend seems to have problems to judge children
Even this question to the child suggests that this “friend” should actually be looking for another job.
I’ll give it to her later.
Respect that you can see from a short story whether someone is suitable for your job or not.
I can guess what I want.