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2 years ago

They think about Franco what they want. Unlike in Germany, there are no thought bans. The proportion of trailers is minimally small. His party “Falange” started a few years ago and came up around the 9,000 voters spanish and disappeared.

Nostalgic people think back when they were able to afford a (exclusive) home, car and a long holiday. Others say that there was more freedom of expression than today.

It always comes to the point of view. The fact is that in Spain the path of reconciliation was chosen and not of persecution. Spain was split into two parts as many times. And before Franco, the conditions were equally unacceptable. There were executions, attacks, the murder of everything communists saw as a middle class or church.

What is striking is that descendants of Franco (from all political sides) are also partly popular. It’s up to people. Also the radical left has in her family which fought for Franco etc.

Everyone is responsible for himself. Prohibition of such children’s belongings as combinations of license plates (to which a normal person would never come if it were not in the news), there is no one. There are also people who are called Adolfo or Francisco without being connected to Hitler or Franco.

1 year ago
Reply to  usuariogf

Unlike in Germany, Franco may also be a criminal, but no million-fold mass murderer murdered by the countless Jews. Because of thought bans, more healthy human understanding. By the way, Germany is in the democratic index ahead of Spain

4 months ago
Reply to  David894

He was responsible for about 500,000 victims in the civil war, and in Morocco he also went unconsciously and brutally, even as a young officer. Believe me, if he’d been able, he would have done an even more open joint thing with Hitler. Spain was not neutral and Franco was also a mass murderer. In 2017 a mass grave was found again, this time in Valladolid.

2 years ago

If they have a good memory, they remember that it has been a coup by Franco, with the DE Legion Legion Condor Guernica in Schutt and Ash put in order to try out what it could look like in the coming war.,in%20Schutt%20and%20Asche%20.

And this until today, from the right side of our society.

The Second Republic in Spain has been an elected republic at the time, and so the Spaniards are only now concerned with whether Franco can continue to be worshipped in your memotrial?

1 year ago

Spaniards believe Franco was a savior of Spain because he saw the unity of the country in which he smashed the Spanish civil war. And Spain, without prejudice to the Second World War. He also ensured that the Spaniards went better after the 2 WK.

He did a lot for Spain, of course, by Franco also people came to death in the civil war but these were a bad thing that had to be done from the Spanish point of view to preserve Spain’s unity.

Franco was called El Caudio the leader or the chief.

2 years ago

My bro has been living in Spain since the middle of the 2000s, with an Argentinian and often only shakes his head, because the abbey of Franco has been done much worse than in D.

Many older, conservative and also the conservative party, who likes the government, like to work and often oppose it.

– It wasn’t all bad.

– Well, now it’s good.

-Finance of statues and memorials.

– Also ‘heroic’ memory of the FrancoZeit, in private apartments.

Franco has been dead for almost 50 years. 50 years after Hitler’s death it was 1995. At that time there were neither monuments nor pictures of him on the wall, in normal apartments.

2 years ago
Reply to  Spikeman197

Germany went a different approach. In Spain the focus was on reconciliation. It will also not forget what was before Franco: the communist republic, which Opositionelle, supposedly better-ranked and pastor killed.

2 years ago
Reply to  usuariogf


MMn was the same approach that was chosen here until the end of the 60s: displacement! This is often accompanied by perpetrator protection and VictimBlaming (Be satisfied that it is over and not annoying!)

The work-up started with KnieFall from Prague, the 68s and then in the 70s, i.e. after 30 years…

So Spain should have started from 2000…

2 years ago

Especially since in the 1970s a central transition party ruled, which took the path to democracy with participation (and voting) of all the Spanish and the 1980s and early 1990s were completely socialist. Time enough to do everything that had to be done.

2 years ago

Addendum: There was no middle at that time. This was only 5% of the voters. The rest chose to quite equal parts radical links or radical right. After Franco’s death, no one wanted to revive that.

In addition, the civil war was over for almost 40 years.

The rest of the Franco dictatorship was a “relative” normality, in which the vast majority did not occur as in a dictatorship. Then put your finger in the wound again. where the proportion of followers was 50:50 would have been irresponsible.

There was no deep split in Germany. After Franco the socialist PSOE ruled for many decades alone or with the left Podemos. Never was that a topic, except it was scarce in the elections. Then the story was tried again. It’s not OK. Because that could have been done in the 1970s and 1980s. Today, no one of the then war criminals lives.

2 years ago

In German media, everyone and everything is suffering. The fact is that Franco is not a topic on site. The “reworking” always comes up when the left party landscape loses land and now what has to be spelled out of the cylinder.

Example War Tombs. There are many families who refuse to dig out the dead (their family), such as the example of García Lorca:

“The Lorcas family experiences the search for the [mass] grave of the poet with skepsis and disarmament”

There are many (also on the part of the victims) who say that one should finally let the dead rest and, above all, not abuse politically.

And the matter is also that it is always only about tombs of the victims of Franco, not about the equally existing tombs of the victims of the so-called “popular front” (daily socialists, communists, radical republicans and anarchists; in each case the party’s own signs), which, by the murder of Opositionellen, ultimately resulted in the rejection of the coup.

2 years ago

Ups, the knee was in Warsaw, sry

I’ll read differently here. bis-heute-leidet-Spain-unter-Francos-Verbruch.html

2 years ago

No, it’s being discussed openly there. But there was no deficiencies in Spain. VictimBlaming is more of the Basque ETA. It’s not about nerves, it’s about reconciliation. If 50% are or were against the other 50%, it should not be refreshed.

2 years ago

“The Spaniards” will think about Franco the same as “The Germans” about Hitler: the one so, the other so.

2 years ago

a taboo theme similar to the National Socialism in the post-war period in Germany. This is being displaced in today’s Spain!