Was denken die Leute?
Ich war heute einkaufen und habe dann Kichererbsen, Magerquark, Obst, etc. gekauft, aber meine Mutter wollte unbedingt, dass ich ihr Toastbrot mitbringe. Ich habe mich so geschämt an der Kasse und wollte mal wissen, was ihr denkt, wenn ihr jemanden seht, der so ungesundes Zeug kauft.
You’re ashamed of a toast bread? How old are you?
What do other people think about your shopping basket? You’re ashamed of your mother?
grow up.
Addendum: I just see you are 13/14. Sorry. But my comment remains so valid.
I’m afraid people can see me and think: Boah, as the fat isn’t surprising me, with the fresco that they buy!
So what? If they don’t touch you, insult or attack you, you can’t care what people think.
Since you have an anorexia, it will be very unlikely that people
think. Did the stay in the LVR clinic get anything?
Thank you.
Congratulations. I hope she has brought you the desired success. Everything’s best for you.
Yeah, imagine, I even did a therapy four months ago, but I already ran.
Have you respected your mother’s desire and buy Toastbrot for they one?
And vegetable residues of any pesticides ..who cares !?
Apparently not
46kg at the moment, was already in the clinic for a reason…
How big are you?
Many toast varieties are not primarily produced with it, as I have expressed myself wrong, but some contain large residues of mineral oils.
You can tell your idea and decide for you. However, the toast bread produced with mineral oils would be new and little logical to me.
But it’s your mother’s wish. If she can’t convince herself, please respect that.
This is my final weight. I’m not getting any further. And to the Toastbrot: I believe that such things should be abolished anyway, and I do not want to promote production by purchasing. If you don’t get toast, you’ll take normal bread. Is not a waiver, but healthier and many are made with mineral oils, which is not good for the environment. I just don’t want to do anything wrong and make everything perfect.
People don’t think you’re fat. And if you may eat a toast bread, no one is interested. More worrying – and that makes me sad – I feel that you feel for the toast bread Your mom’s ashamed. What else is it not, even if you make another statement. You should be able to buy unimpressed.
I wish you a lot of success in increasing.
46kg at the moment, was already in the clinic for a reason…
How much do you weigh?
I’m not sure if the stay has brought anything, but my environment definitely thinks that. Somehow I want to get rid of the disease and not at the same time. I don’t know what to do! No matter what I do, I think so much about it and think every time someone looks at me that I’m too fat and then I’m ashamed…
I think about it at the checkout,
whether I haven’t put too much in the shopping cart again.
What other people buy is none of my business.
Unless it is a very good friend,
for a common meal.
I don’t care what others think about my shopping. I’m interested in buying other people.
And so unhealthy, Toastbrot is not again.
I’m not about people buying Toastbrot.
It is also not healthy to worry too much about what other people might think.
To me deucht ..daas toast seems to be your smallest problem, bread is a quite normal basic food, not megrbund no less ..at your place I would rather visit another good therapist no has but normal is that certainly not
What people think about it when someone gets dead?? To me it is usually quite what anyone throws in his shopping carts and or eats or anything else, because I don’t have to eat it if something shouldn’t hurt me or should be too fat too sweet or otherwise anything else.
Wue said that toast seems to be with you that the smallest of your problems..
That’s a normal product that nobody thinks about it
It doesn’t matter what people think. Toastbrot is not unhealthy either. There is also full grain toast which is relatively healthy. Don’t always have to be white. Apparently you slip from one to the next ED. From maternal search to a constant obsession of healthy eating. That’s sick too. For years I have been shopping with my father once a month when we are too lazy to cook fertogpizza and we are healthy and no one in the supermarket makes comments about us. People care about the zero you buy. And you’re not fat either!
Please find help your behavior is soooo sick!!!!
I just don’t think it’s so difficult to think about what others think about me. I’d like to be invisible sometimes…
Some substances consumed in the past!? That would explain so much..
Sometimes I feel like this, but you’re not trying to think about it. Or you go shopping with your mother.
That doesn’t matter to me and most other people as if a sack of rice falls in China.
But if you don’t have any worries…
I allow myself to regularly buy chickpeas, magerquark, vegetables and toast bread together. I used to living with this shame 🫡
Buying bread is completely normal. Nobody thinks.
After your question, however, I think that you have an enormous problem with your self-confidence and possibly a problematic relationship with food.
Why are you ashamed of Toast haha? Every person eats toast. What if you’ve got Bock on chips or something.
Break me up
Made my day. Thank you
It’s like that Rille stuffing other people on the bargain band. I don’t even look at it because I don’t care about it.
I have better things to do when shopping than looking at what other people are buying.
Do you have an eating disorder, or why is this such a thing with you?
Yeah, she did. Other questions.
Professional Toastbrotfans are a thousand times better than nutrient azides…
You’re a little stupid