Was dem Shetty füttern?

Hallöchen, ich möchte mir gerne ein bis zwei Shettys holen, aber ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher was die Fütterung betrifft.. Also die Shettys werden auf gar KEINEN Fall nur rumstehen und Gras fressen, ich habe jetzt eher an ,,sportliche” Bewegung gedacht.. also Longe, Freispringen, Spazieren und auch Kutschefahren. Dass sie halt auch genug Bewegung bekommen aber auch mal frei haben natürlich. Meine vier Warmblüter bekommen natürlich mehr und was anderes, deswegen fällt es mir eher schwer etwas zu finden was ich den Shettys füttern könnte.. Und wieviel Heu und Gras sie bekommen sollten, da ja dann doch eine hohe Rehegefahr besteht..

Liebe Grüße:)

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1 year ago

Do you have any preliminary knowledge? At least a rough idea should be there. When it comes to specific things oke you can ask, but as far as raw material is concerned you should know. Let you go. There are enough courses and courses on the topic. And don’t just drive like that, driving is underestimated and needs a lot of expertise. Most of them don’t even make a dish to be properly adapted

hay, grass, possibly straw (good fodder straw, 24/7 available for picking)

Minerals 24/7 available through various leaks, feed if needed. A healthy Shetty no longer needs

1 year ago

yes then there is a high risk of tear

And that’s why: nix to feed! Especially not at the level of knowledge.

If they are healthy, they do not need additional food even if they are athletic.

99% of the Shettys you get to face are massively overweight. They are not naturally spherical as most mean.

1 year ago
Reply to  LissaPissa

the gras is too much.

from the end of august you can make grass.

1 year ago
Reply to  LissaPissa

Only hay and grass and if you have soul-satisfied, then they rarely stop a carrot.

1 year ago
Reply to  MaryLynn87

You want to drive her on the meadow? So about twice a year when the meadow is just dry and freshly mowed and thus you do not ruin the soil. Whether the acquisition is worth it….