Was darf mein Pkw für einen Anhänger ziehen?

Hi, in der Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I steht, dass mein Pkw 350 Kg ziehen darf. D. h. ich dürfte z. B. einen Anhänger der leer 450 Kg wiegt nicht anhängen, oder? Wenn ich einen Anhänger habe, der leer 290 Kg wiegt, dann dürfte ich diesen auch beladen aber nur mit max. 60 Kg, sodass er bei 350 Kg ist.

Habe ich das jetzt richtig verstanden mit der Anhängerthematik?

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2 years ago

Yes, as regards the permissible trailer load, the actual trailer load (weight + load).

For trailers with only one axle, or with only 2 axles with a maximum distance of 1m, the maximum supporting load (No 13 in the certificate of approval, with different values for trailers and towing vehicles, the smaller value) and the minimum supporting load (4% of the actual trailer load, but not more than 25kg) shall be maintained.

In addition, there is the axle load to be observed (7.1-7.3 in the certificate of approval of the trailer), which, however, should not be a problem at least in the example above.

If you are allowed to drive the clutch with your driver’s license, it is only about the permissible total mass of the car and trailer. The actual mass is not relevant at this point.

2 years ago

What’s that car that can’t take enough load?

In the case of the trailer load, the sum of trailer weight and its input is always counted. In most cases, trailers with their own brake are allowed, because the car does not have to apply the brake load on its own.

Also note is the maximum support load, i.e. the weight with which the trailer rests on the clutch. It is usually rather small. The value can easily be exceeded when the load is too far forward in the trailer, which should always be above the wheels of the trailer.

2 years ago

My father has Skoda Octavia. Loading is allowed 600 kg, how much he can pull I don’t know, but a trailer with wood (a total of about 2.5 tons) he also manages to pull up a mountain

2 years ago

Right. It depends on the actual mass.

2 years ago

Yeah, you got it right.

The permissible trailer loads shall always refer to the actual weight.

In the case of the driver’s licence, however, the maximum permissible weight of the trailer counts

2 years ago

Yes so it is, there is also an indication for braked trailers, A trailer with independent brake.

2 years ago

that my car may pull 350 Kg

What is so hard to understand? It doesn’t matter how the weight comes from trailers and loading.

2 years ago

The trailer with content may be max. weigh 350 kg.

2 years ago
