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9 months ago

This would be more the case in the case of intestinal or skin.

You should generally eat little sugar.

important is to treat the fungus (pharmacy) with vaginal tablets and ointment (also beyond complaints)

and adhere to strict hygiene.

Underwear should be made of cotton and be washed against mushrooms at least 60C + hygiene rinsers. Also all towels used there. Change every day.

Wipe toilet and surfaces with Meliseptol Rapid.

Partners with treat and give up some time for sex.


9 months ago
Reply to  Natali2003

But you had to introduce it or just use vaginal tablets

9 months ago

Possibly no carbohydrates, this includes sugar, but also all that is made from cereals, legumes etc., generally planting, also noodles, bread etc.

Meat, fish and eggs on the other hand are free from which you can eat until you fall. Very recommended: vinegar mix drinks, because the acetic acid causes the body to shift the PH value into the base, and that does not like an incubation mushroom at all. Also wash the underwear with vinegar water so that the stuff cannot spread over the skin. The most effective is to be apple cider vinegar, you get in every supermarket for little money.

9 months ago

Whatever you want. You don’t eat with the vagina…

9 months ago

Mushrooms love sugar. If you are despised, or at least greatly reduced, you accelerate the healing process.