Was darf man im Flugzeug am Körper tragen?

Ich verreise mit Handgepäck. Um etwas Platz zu sparen, möchte ich Powerbank, Ladekabel und ein Kameraobjektiv in der Jackentasche transportieren. Darf das in die Jacke oder muss das ins Handgepäck (speziell am Security-Check)?

Reisegesellschaft: Ryanair

Schonmal danke!

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2 years ago

It’s the security control that makes sure you transport an item in a backpack or in a pocket. The decisive factor is whether or not the object is allowed to enter the safety area.

Your items may be taken personally.

A Powerbank must: even personally taken to the plane, which must not be put into service. There you could not notice it or react when the thing goes through thermally.

2 years ago

I think they could have a problem with the Powerbank because of the risk of inflammatory from the battery, but I am not sure

2 years ago
Reply to  Lise006

Powerbanks have to even in hand luggage. Everything that has a lithium battery!

Because sometimes a lithium battery gets hot or even starts to burn. If that thing is stuck somewhere in the cargo hold of the plane, no one will notice it. But in the case of cases, the plane is burning, and it is still enough for an emergency landing or not.

In the passenger cabin you can notice when the battery gets hot and can prevent worse with the fire extinguisher.

2 years ago

All we can do is carry on the body.

So briefly summarized:

  • Nothing sharp or sharp
  • Liquids only in 100ml vessels in a plastic bag