Was darf ich dazu verdienen bei halber Monat?


wenn ich 15 Tage in einem sozialversicherungspfl. Job bin und den anderen arbeitslos, weil ich gekündigt wurde…….was darf ich dann dazuverdienen?

bei 1 Monat Arbeitslos sind es ja 165€ und bei einem ganzen MOnat fester Job sind es ja 538€ ……wie wird das berechnet?

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4 months ago

If you have or have a social insurance job, you can do a minijob without billing in the month, so up to now monthly earn 538 euros gross equal to net.

Whether you’re annoyed now and only half a month were employed for social insurance, I don’t know.

This EUR 165 is the allowance under ALG – 1 as an insurance benefit from the Employment Agency.

You can earn up to 165 euros net in the performance cover in less than 15 hours a week without billing on your services, the rest would be deducted from your ALG – 1.

If you would have your secondary income within 18 months at least 12 months, an average would be determined from the labour income of the last 12 months and you can then continue to earn it in terms of performance in less than 15 hours a week without any account for its services.