Was darf ein Betreuer?
unzwar ich wohne in einer Muttervaterkind wg und die Betreuer haben meinen selbst gekaufter Pool behalten und gesagt das ich ihn nicht wieder bekomme weil ich ihn nicht aufgeräumt habe. Habe ihm aber deswegen nicht weg geräumt weil da Wasser drin ist wegen den Kindern damit die baden können.
dürfte die wg den behalten und für sich nutzen?
It is completely irresponsible to leave a water-filled pool unattended and on a site where many toddlers travel.
If you move out of the facility, you can ask him back. Or you’re selling him on classifieds now.
The pool is very small and the pool is always covered when we are not in it it is about 1m times 1m
There is also a toddler drowning.
I know this but the water is not higher than the hand and the children are always supervised by us
In a small pool, the water must be constantly renewed. So your supervisors are right enough to clean them up and clean them away every day.
do not retain or use
But you can dare him
If the pool is your demonstrable property, everyone who continues to steal theft.
Like the teacher takes the phone away from the student?
Yes the teacher must not take away the property and at least not read
He confiscates it to the end of the class, that’s legitimate.
Yes actually he cares for me and my child and actually this is not the first incident
Teachers > Careers
Do you want to confiscate the supervisor?
Then refer to the supervisor