Was bringt euch zum Schreiben?

Wenn ihr schreibt – ob Kurzgeschichten, Novellen, Romane, Essays oder nur Tagebuch -, wieso? Was bringt euch dazu? Ist es eher ein innerlicher Drang, ein kaum aufhaltsamer Impuls, der euch dazu bringt, die eigenen Gedanken auf Papier zu manifestieren, damit sich der Kopf wieder erholen kann und die Emotionen vorerst ausgeschüttet sind, oder ist es pure Leidenschaft? (Wobei innerliche Dränge und Leidenschaft oft in Zusammenhang stehen.) Ist es die einzige Möglichkeit, euch über Wasser zu halten?

Schreiben kann Wunder wirken – selbst wenn man kein Schriftsteller ist und das Schreiben einem nicht die fette Kohle auf die Bank liefert, so hat es auch erwiesenermaßen positive Auswirkungen auf die Psyche.

Leute schreiben auch aus einem viel tieferen Sinn – nicht etwa, um sich innerhalb der Industrie ein finanzielles Gerüst zu errichten -; zum Beispiel, um den Geist nachhaltig zu stärken, wenn man seine Ängste und belastende Erlebnisse verschriftlicht. Da das Schreiben bekanntlich so weit hilft, um beispielsweise die Symptome einer Depression zu lindern, findet man auch seinen inneren Halt wieder.

Das Schreiben ist durchaus etwas sehr Beeindruckendes. Wenn ich nicht schreiben würde, wäre ich eine Gefahr.

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1 month ago

I don’t understand what people do not write. Do they just have no ideas or no desire to write down the story? If I have an idea (and I can get an idea from as good as anything) then I can write it up. Where else would the idea go? Apart from that, I love writing. I love creating a world that only belongs to me. In which everything is possible and even if there are problems, I can solve this. And honestly, I don’t know what else to do with my time, I wouldn’t write

1 month ago
Reply to  mimii444

Jaaa….I always have so many ideas that I’ve been lying around all over the street and I don’t know what to do.

1 month ago
Reply to  Kruemmelkugel

haha I feel… I started writing all the ideas into a Word document so I don’t forget anything

1 month ago

It’s fun. Could now say that I’ve got the stories in my head and I need to get them out, what’s true, but most of them are fun. A few sentences and a world arises, characters develop. I can cause other feelings, only in my words. Besides, it’s something for my fingers to do while I watch series.

1 month ago

I often write (especially poems) when I have to process certain feelings and I do not want this to be expressed, for example, by anger or spontaneous aversion to my fellow human beings.

Sometimes I get creative approaches through certain weather events/ atmosphere outside, e.g. when it rains, I always have to write something the same.

My fanfictions give me a certain reality curse, either if I’m bored, everything becomes too much at the moment, or I generally need distraction

Writing is like a liberation for me. I don’t feel compelled to write. I’m just writing what I’m feeling right now to understand myself a bit better.

I have also played with the idea of trying to make money with a whole book, but that is for me something unrealistic and not completely the driving reason.

writing gives me strength and relaxes me.

LG Toby

1 month ago

I’ve been writing since I can write. I told stories before.

They are now almost 12 years.

I’ve never had many friends, and I’ve spent so much time. I started with fanfictions, I almost simply wrote down what the consequences of the series I would like to see.

In 2019 I started writing Poetry Slams to compensate for my feelings.

Meanwhile, I also write completely own stories/books.

Sometimes by hand, sometimes on the PC and sometimes on my typewriter.

1 month ago

It is fun to tell a story

1 month ago

I work in a loose sequence, but still quite consistently for some time on a book project, because I want to write up certain things and it is important to me to describe my past – to describe how it was, as a “Ausländerkind” in a serious and good Catholic area in Germany’s old Länder, “where it is still in order and the garden gnome continues to grow in front of the well-maintained home. It is also a book that describes the German house spears as they are.

What made me decide: there are hardly any useful literature on the subject except an anthology called “Kampf und Klasse” by Ullstein, which speaks openly about this topic. You can change that.

It’s not about billing or revenge, it’s about just capturing how it can happen if you have the “wrong” family name and more or less wild game is in a situation where adults only believe adults – and if they believed children, then at least not “so a foreigner boy”. It is also important to me to present people exactly as they are.

A beautiful book is not, but for that, one in which the right words are already falling and in which everyone should recognize each other, that is meant – not in the sense of a resignation, but I would like to see everyone as they read my book, to recognize each other in it again, then with this rosary-like “I know yes net” mentality at home in the evening rumours as they always think about the wall overs That is exactly what this mentioned opportunity for final conclusion is also for me.

1 month ago

Mostly emotions, often rage or frustration. But also love and happiness make me write.

In short, I have to get rid of something, so I write.

1 month ago

Joy, dreams, other books. Sometimes negative emotions – usually the positive ones are actually. My gloomy fantasies that I could not live out or want.

But above all the tireless cinema in my head.

Is it more an inner urge

Sometimes yes. These are sometimes the moments when I was on the train, or at the dentist my whole arms and legs were scratched because I didn’t have a note (and at that time no smartphone or I hate to write it) or the moment where my eyes are burning and my fingers are ice cold and I’m already in bed, but I can’t. Where I eat and drink forget and get headaches…

or is it pure passion

I don’t think it can be separated. Passion creates an inner urge.

1 month ago


writing is pure processing for me; process excess feelings, emotions, process confusing thoughts that are re-ordered and sorted…

As a little school kid, I wrote everything down. From friends lists to small letters to other children and adults.
Writing is a wonderful sorting tool for the brain!


1 month ago

I’ll let out my feelings and thoughts so I won’t let him in