Was bringt eine Diazepam Indikation von 2,5 mg?
Hallo ich bin in der Klinik und bekomme früh und Abend und zur Nacht 2,5 mg wirkt das überhaupt
Hallo ich bin in der Klinik und bekomme früh und Abend und zur Nacht 2,5 mg wirkt das überhaupt
darf ich mit einem Herzschrittmacher ins Sonnenstudio
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Diazepam is a drug from the group of benzodiazepines. It acts anxious, soothing, sleep-promoting, anticonvulsive and also muscle-relaxing.
Diazepam is a benzodiazepine with a very long half-life of up to 48 hours. The effect lasts up to 24 hours.
2x 2.5mg Diaezepam is a relatively low dose and this is also good. The more common and the higher doses are benzodiazepines, the faster they make addiction and the faster they lose their effectiveness (tolerance development).
Hey, Cobalfg! Oh, yes, that’s 5 mg a day and you know that the half-life, i.e. the time of the impact break is 50 hours, that is, when you get it a day, a mirror builds up relatively quickly! Just make sure you don’t get into a look that goes quickly with Diazepam, even without a slope to addiction! You always have to remember that drug lid is only removed and once the lid is removed again you get from “back one on it”, it solves no problems but it helps you for the moment. *But the indication why you get it will probably justify it! I wish you all the best of love André
Yeah, that looks very good.
Diazepam is a benzodiazepine and has a strong calming, anxious and also muscle relax. Benzodiazepines are highly effective and, unfortunately, they also have a high dependence potential, even after about 2 weeks of daily consumption, there will be withdrawal symptoms when settling, so benzodiazapines should never be easily prescribed. There will be no withdrawal symptoms when a few days are consumed. Some brand names of benzodiazepines are: Valium, Temesta, Dormicum, Halcion, Rohypnol, Seresta, Dalmadorm, Mogadon, Lexotanil etc.
Why did you order Diazepam?
P.S. The accusation takes place very quickly, one is used to a dose of 10 mg, one feels nothing more of 2.5 mg, which, however, does not mean that it does not work anymore, one only no longer notices it. This often leads to a dose increase in order to get the same pleasant effect again. The common thing about the benzos is that they are very, very good at the beginning and help, you can sleep again, you are quiet and cool, and you have no alcohol flag, therefore many alcoholics are attacking benzos, so they get them, and “simply” one realizes one day that you are really bad and you don’t know why until you get into the sense that you have not taken a benzo, no diazep – Many of my “search patients” have told me that they would rather make a heroin withdrawal like a benzo withdrawal, “the benzo withdrawal is a real brain fuck from the worst!” they all said.
Yes, it works! You’re getting calmer!
But be careful, it makes very fast dependent!
Depends on how much you weigh and how many times you took it. I weighed 90kg and noticed a pleasant effect at 10mg. I would say, however, that 2.5 mg are not necessarily noticeable except you may weigh 45-50 kg.
So I already got it in high quantities. But don’t wait till noon and night, and I’m getting used to it
Of course, does that work or do you not feel that you are getting calmer and calmer?
I don’t know I get it against the withdrawal of alcohol
I think that’s one of the benzodiazepines
is anxious etc. see the Wikipedia article in application areas
take very short because it makes very fast very strongly dependent