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9 months ago

The heart is irritated by its “acter”, the sine node with electrical pulses. This electrical current goes from the sine node into the proms of the heart, from there into the av node, which lies between the proms and chambers, and then into the heart chambers.

As a result of the excitation of the heart muscle cells in combination with sodium and potassium (cf. sodium potassium pump or also sodium potassium aTPase), contractions and thus a regular pumping movement of the heart occur.

It’s hard to say.

9 months ago

The impulse for the heartbeat arises in the sinus node.

9 months ago

The impulses for the heartbeat generates the heart itself in the so-called sinus node. These are specialized muscle cells that can generate an electrical impulse. These plants continue very quickly in the heart and lead to the whole heart muscle becoming rhythmic.

9 months ago

The heart is a muscle, it needs to beat energy and oxygen.