Was bringen Kanalpunke auf Twitch für den Streamer?
Hey ich bin momentan wieder auf Twitch unterwegs aber frage mich was die Kanalpunkte bringen die man verschicken kann klar kann man zb einen Sound abspielen oder ähnliches aber ich frage mich ob die Punkte auch etwas für den Streamer bringen 🙂
Danke schon mal im Voraus ☺️
Hey, channel points get every viewer to watch through this. You can do a lot with that.
Requests / Tasks:
you can Stream Manager Add stuff you can buy at the bottom of the chat:
e.g. 1000 channel points = you stand up and jump 20 times or for 500 channel points = your viewers may wish something else.
Introducing sound:
There’s a soundbot you can set right easily. You’re on the Internet: Sound Alerts and you log on to your Twitch ACC. Then you can add sounds and specify a price and then it will display your viewer. For example: for 500 xy sound plays off. If you’re streaming with Obs, you’ll have to adjust it properly so you can hear the sound, but everything’s on the side.
Feed yourself as a streamer bring the nix! That’s what you’ve got to do with your spectators and not that it’s going to be a truck. So in the end it brings you more spectators.
Thank you!
Very happy and great success.
One thing: make social media from the start. Tiktok or anything else. Otherwise there will be a problem 🙂
No, it’s not the streamer itself.