Was braucht man für IT-Kenntnisse, um eine Frage-Antwort-Plattform entwickeln zu können?
Könnten die Experten unter euch mir bitte so gut wie es geht alles aufzählen, was man dafür bräuchte?
Könnten die Experten unter euch mir bitte so gut wie es geht alles aufzählen, was man dafür bräuchte?
Hi,ich suche eine App die genauso coole Filter hat wie snapchat,da ich snapchat leider nicht haben darf aber die Sticker mega cool finde.Deswegen:Gibt es Apps die solche coolen Filter haben? danke schon mal im Voraus!!!
Also ich würde gerne wissen wie man mit einen git zu zweit gleichzeitig coden kann in unity
Hallo an alle, seit ein paar Tagen habe ich Probleme mit meinen Smart Geräten. Das WLAN funktioniert auf z.B meinem Handy und auf dem Fernseher. Meine Smart Geräte (Roborock, Leuchten, Steckdosen) sind jedoch offline und können keine Verbindung mit dem Netzwerk herstellen. Wenn ich in die WLAN Einstellungen gehe und den 2,4ghz Kanal ändere, kann…
Guten Tag, ich bin dabei ein batch Programm zu schreiben und nun wollte ich nachfragen ob es möglich ist einen bestimmten Text animiert erscheinen zu lassen (links nach rechts) es würde einfach viel besser aussehen
Hallo liebe Community, ich habe folgende SQL Query: select * from Personal p where not exists (select pnr from PMZuteilung where p.pnr = pnr and note < 3); und möchte diese ohne die Unteranfrage formulieren. Ich habe die ganze Zeit probiert etwas mit einem left-outer-join zu machen, aber das funktioniert nicht so richtig. Vielleicht fällt…
A programming language would be important
And then all possible from design etc.
rubber ball
At least one programming language such as PHP, rudimentary knowledge of a database query language such as SQL, knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Only if you really want to do everything that hasn’t been the standard for a long time.
For something simple like a forum – what a question-answer platform is ultimately – you don’t need this knowledge nowadays. You don’t have to be able to program at all.
Thanks to CMS’s like WordPress and the like, you can click your website as easily as with Figma. No codes, only drag&Drop.
Thanks to various plugins, creating forums is no problem.
Only for special requests you have to apply your own hand to HTML and CSS, but this is not the question.
So, like Reddit, stackoverflow, Google Answers and the like, it’s just a wordpress.
I didn’t know.
Now he asked to develop, not to set up a finished software.
In any larger project, so many special requests come together, that one has to look into many of the things at the end, or need someone with knowledge.
That then needs even deeper knowledge of the platform itself.
Especially with such a Web 2.0 history, I see this coming relatively fast when it’s not just a simple blog where a shop module might be attached.
That’s the text you quoted…
Who are you trying to get out of here? …
I’m not doing the rest of your comment, sorry.
For me, it is becoming more and more crystallising that you are just going to troll or distract from the actual topic and want to turn the conversation in such a way that you have somehow “right”.
I don’t want to.
The fact is and remains that nowadays you do not need more programming knowledge in the sense of the answer writer to develop fundamental websites and also question-answer platforms.
The use of a CMS such as WordPress is fundamentally sufficient.
No, that’s not yours initial Text I talked about.
Your initial statement was that even the use of these basics (HTML, CSS, SQL and a programming language) has long been no longer standard, you can no longer be able to program and you can click something simple completely in a CMS like WordPress.
At frameworks, libraries and packages, we were just a few comments downstairs after I said that web development seems to be the same today.
I think we’re just coming from different corners and that’s not meant bad at all. I think that someone who deals very intensively with WordPress, plugins and co. is as good as everything can somehow implement it.
Even though I think it often goes after the dive, if you only have a hammer as a tool, you can see a nail in every problem.
And, as I said, it doesn’t mean degrading. This will be more than enough for many things.
Similarly, someone who does everything himself and is not open at all can do unnecessary work and burn time for finished solutions.
We see the border there I think only where different, possibly also due to other experiences and requirements. As I said, I usually see them at frameworks, libraries, packages and external interfaces.
Say where I’ve already gotten back to damn much finished but still need to understand the programming, the components of the application, the data flow, the protocols, as well as the server side and, and, and.
You’ll see them on top of finished software that is set up and configured. And yes I do not associate the terms web development and especially programming. This does not mean that it is bad, unnecessary or that one or the other is higher.
In my world, web development is to write these tools in addition to a specific internet presence, just because there are always special requirements and in the smallest case these were their own themes and plugins for WordPress.
In most cases, a finished CMS such as WordPress was no longer sufficient or too much in the way, so that the solution Framework + Packages + Custom Code were.
And with regard to software development outside the web usually not even that, since then worst case drivers and floating point numbers were written manually according to a certain standard. I don’t think that 95% of the web and software development look like that today.
But as I said, other bubbles, other glasses. And I’m sure I won’t offend you here. With the somewhat salty spelling you started btw.
But no, I’m not insulting people here, nor going down, if I don’t agree with them. I’m discussing it more and I’m just showing my view, in doubt with context, why I have it.
Promise the development of a website.
Congratulations? It’s already known.
A website.
That you have to seriously ask…. Uff…
Only those who have no idea would I say.
One example from another area -> game development.
Pretty much every game is developed today with the help of game engines. And do you know how they work?
Right by clicking what you need.
In Unity, practically everything is done about “clicking together”. Only the behavior of an object is set by script.
The Unreal Engine is even better, next to the “Click together” there is also Blueprint. With blueprints, scripts can be created completely by clicking.
In other words, you can develop a complete full-price title without even writing one line code.
And surprise, many game developers work exactly like that.
Would you also say that “relatively few would call it game development”? I don’t think so.
You even quoted the parts I asked you to read properly, before you answer….
Are you doing this on purpose? …
I’m happy to read it again and show it to you again.
My text you quoted:
” Quite the contrary,beforehandon larger sides this is the case.
Creating native sites nowadays only do trainees/students to learn the languages.”
The complete text of this paragraph:
“No internet presence is now available on CMSs and/or other frameworks/librations that simplify development. This is anything but “small websites” like that. On the contrary, beforehand on larger sides this is the case. Creating native sites nowadays only do trainees/students to learn the languages.”
Save yourself, yes….
You should make yourself seriously aware that “development” is not equal to “codes”….
Where the use of a CMS still counts.
But as you already give your own meaning to the word “development”,
I assume that you are also “programing” with “write code”.
Correct, this was never theme but your initial wording:
Topic was the development of a question/answer platform.
And what do you develop on an application when you get a WordPress hosting as a title writes, press on the theme and insert content or click 1-2 plugins as the highest of feelings? I think relatively few would call it web development.
No, you just talked about CMSs like WordPress. No code, just click.
So that’s more like your fatball cup, where you’re trying to turn your statements. Once again, you read what you initially wrote.
Frameworks and libraries, as well as external packages, have been added to my commentary, because these are actually used in web development today, almost independently of the application, and would it also become a good question for a platform.
No, he didn’t ask for development. This can be just as ignorant with him regarding possible finished solutions. But there would also be the question of exactly what he wants and whether he is satisfied with the finished solutions, even if there is a lot that is not the same as one imagines.
What the questioner wants is at the place without further details but without any riddles, whether by me or you. In programming as a keyword and a question of how to develop it, I am thinking of programming and development.
Of course, the question can also be called indirectly, in which providers I buy a package and how do I click something together or there are ready options.
And yet I have always remained on the subject.
But you…
This never happened to anyone.
I ask you to read properly again before you answer.
Wrong. Again -> please read more neat before you answer.
The FS asks for the necessary Knowledgeto create such a platform and not after a “like.”
He has generally listed knowledge to create such a platform, but certainly not the “absolute basics”.
These are still before the handling of a CMS such as WordPress.
This makes it fundamentally possible to create everything that a platform needs.
But I see, you’re catching up with the word “development” and confusing it with codes.
Who says?
And again, please read my comments OrdinaryBefore you answer.
Then you would know that I spoke about the same functionality.
You know what it is about in the Question left.
Are you serious about this question now? Uff.
You are seriously still not aware that this is about the minimum requirements and not an individual complete solution?
That explains at least why you always come up with such absurd and non-themed arguments.
And now you’re going to be personal. This is not very surprising.
After you notice what a nonsense your statements are here, of course, you have to try to attack me personally with arbitrary submissions in order to make yourself seem better.
Such a behavior is often seen on this platform when users with too big ego notice that they write nonsense.
At this point I would prefer to end the conversation before you ignore the guidelines.
Because usually follow such even more small personal attacks as yours, very quickly insults and the like. I do not recommend you to do this.
There’s never been anyone else. What are you doing right now?
Why would you? This isn’t the subject here and it never was.
Do you want me to write something about “and I don’t want to start cutting vegetables”? …
You really love the word “development” very much, huh?
However, also about CMSs and similar becomes a website developed. If you don’t like terminology, that’s your problem.
You should know the difference between development and codes.
It’s just good that my statement was not restricted to wordpress, but contained all kinds of CMSs, frameworks and libraries, right?
I recommend you read more properly before you answer. This saves you such fat cups.
Could we, but we can also leave it because you’re getting rid of the subject again.
It’s completely what you want as an operator. It’s about what the Questionnaire will. What he the.
Unfortunately, you always seem to forget that. Feels new for each individual paragraph.
The FS asks what knowledge you need (generic) to set up a question response platform.
The answer remains -> The handling of WordPress (or another CMS) is already sufficient.
What special wishes You It’s completely irrelevant to you.
Accordingly, your “argument” is completely worthless.
This “luck” is simply what the FS asks. The FS you already forgot.
With a new look at the question: Nope, it is not.
As I said, you generalized. The topic was not I need a CMS, I need to adapt it or not, but how develop I’m such a platform. She answered correctly about the absolute basics. In reality, there will probably be a lot more to come.
And no there are not “situations” where you have to do this, but it is the rule, for everything else, than pages where the operator maintained content is reproduced.
On interactive sites where you react to how users work with the site all the more.
We have a great example with a good question as I said. From which you mean that you just click it in WordPress with finished plugins and themes.
Here comes the same Markup out and there are exactly the same functionalities that work exactly like that.
Oh, that’s not? You see, because the requirement is rare, I want what the plugin offers, but I have a requirement and I look at what there are for finished solutions. And if they don’t match my ideas, they need developers.
If it were all so simple, we would not need developers for years, because there are WordPress and plugins and themes. What are web developers for?
I’m sorry if you’re in the big style of WordPress clicking sides with completely finished tools and now feel kicked on the sips because I differentiate development from it and say that it’s often more use than that.
Most of the Internet sites that are designed to display content generated by the operator.
Above you have talked about web and software development in general and web development is far more than that and I don’t want to start from software development.
I have no doubts about the fact that most of the frameworks, libraries and finished packages are being used. But you don’t even have them together without programming skills. And if necessary, it needs far, far more than the knowledge of a programming language. It starts with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, a language in the backend, depending on the server you need the knowledge about the web server, topics like caching and co. Of course, the question is how and where the page is rendered, what is used for a database, what the scheme looks like. There are endless topics.
Above all, “development” is just “development”. Clicking through WordPress, adding a few plugins and a theme where everything is done is not developing a web application, but setting up and configuring a finished software. Therefore, I don’t need to be a developer and develop. But the question was a corresponding platform to develop.
Larger pages, whose main task is to display something different than content cultivated by the operator, are now quite, very rarely using WordPress, simply because it is not done for it.
Of course, these usually use frameworks, libraries and packages, as already mentioned at the outset. But surprise, you must be able to develop.
And no in web development are it not only Azubis and students who work completely Vanilla, but surprise, many of the developers who write such CMS, plugins or even completely other systems. The millions or billions of frameworks, libraries, packages, plugins and co. on which we build our colorful Internet world is usually not created by unconventional beginners as you want to present it here.
Also. But I already have zig WordPress pages applied as well as as as already mentioned even those created where a good proportion was just custom. So talk exactly what we’re talking about.
However, I have also developed several other web applications. Whether for mobile data acquisition devices, whether dashboards and digital signage displays, visualizations and controls for conveyor techniques at MFR level, whether monitoring tools, whether web applications for wearables such as Google Glass, Vuzix glasses and co.
And also much that is not web development, after all it was you who generalized it up with web and software development. And just when you go away from Web is made a lot more yourself.
WordPress or a finished CMS has been exclusively usable for the websites whose task it is to display content created by the operator.
And there has also been more adjustments. And this happens with the simplest optical requirements that require a markup adjustment. But also functionally, a plugin or theme rarely GENAU offers what you want.
WordPress has been much less used for web applications in recent years, as everything has gone towards SPA and CSR. Speaking even simple internet presentations are being implemented less and less with WordPress.
Well and I would like to have this as an operator in a certain markup, in a certain order. However, my plugin does not have a filter based on the account, user behavior or what I know. So… develop. We can now play the subject at any point.
Sounds according to the requirements cannot be mapped with what is ready. If you want a functionality, you have three plugins for it and each one is 70% different than it is required, then you can either change strongly afterwards with hooks and action (so you need to develop), search or write completely yourself.
Then you’re lucky. As a rule, it makes 20% of what you don’t want or completely different and has 60% stuff you don’t need.
Oh, yes, because this is one of the main functional requirements.
No internet presence is now available on CMSs and/or other frameworks/librations that simplify development. This is anything but “small websites” like that. On the contrary, beforehand on larger sides this is the case.
Today, native sites are actually only doing trainees/students to learn the languages.
So a completely different area than here is the subject, say it as it is.
So you don’t know the difference…
Also, and you are constantly bubbling about “greater projects”.
Look at this page.
– A home with filters that displays the latest posts
– A function to create/comment posts -> Standard Forums Functions
– An area to manage the account
– A few links to blogs
– A mailbox
Basically, you don’t even need a plugin to ensure all these functions. The blogs plus its comment function and account management, which contains WordPress by default, basically cover everything necessary.
Sounds to me strongly after a lot of half-knowledge due to a “just that” approach. Do not properly deal with the topic and take the solution that suits you the fastest/simplest, so you don’t waste too much time.
This also matches your comments and your own statement that you actually work in a completely different area.
Only that the plugins already offer all the necessary functionalities…
But still not for the question…
Do you even know the subject? Or are you just about “prove that there are situations where you need to adapt CMSs manually”?…
No “web development” doesn’t work like that. Web development is just development. Many libraries and frameworks and many packages are certainly used today, but a product or a finished software is something different from development. In this way, usually smaller websites can be created nowadays.
I probably do that, especially since the majority of the software I write is really customer-specific, with its own APIs the manufacturers of hardware and co. for which there are no plugins or similar. Where Web is only a small part without going.
A CMS is finished software. You still have your plugins and themes, nix the despite it’s finished software that already works and brings a bunch of functionalities, and then it’s enough for many, many use cases.
Well, good question is such a platform. Have fun imaging this with WordPress.
I did. I have implemented the internet presence of my employer and although this was not a really big project already noticed where the boundaries are, if you want to have the things more specific, which was then called a completely own theme and besides a few finished plugins also completely own.
Correct so it works as provided in this plugin. If you want it to work differently, you can use Hooks and Actions to add something or even change what the plugin has changed before, etc.
You then work in doubt against the plugin or WordPress yourself, because you want it to be different. WordPress is like SAP. If your use case matches exactly that (if applicable with plugins), then super. Otherwise, it will often be more expensive and more expensive than to develop it completely.
Of course, many things can be implemented with WordPress. Until you have special wishes.
And yes, performance is also a very big topic of WordPress. It’s infinitely slow, as everything is in the database, much that would otherwise be native to the code. It is clear that Caching is partly around it, depending on the server and whether something like APCu, Memcached or even Redis can be connected.
Surprise, this is how web development and software development now works to 95%.
If you believe that everything is being developed from the ground to yourself, you’ll hang around 30 years later. If not longer.
And you already know the difference between CMS and finished software, right?…
What are you talking about? It is clearly asked for the creation of a question-answer platform, not for any “larger project”.
If you want to argue, please make sure that your arguments are also part of the topic / question.
If you want to argue with Whataboutism, you’re wrong here.
Okay, you have to ask for the statement:
Have you ever dealt with WordPress and/or other CMSs? At least a little?
You should have done that before you meet such a statement.
But where: You would have done that, you know that your statement is nonsense.
Because I accept you not with CMSs, a little enlightenment.
You write “except it is a blog with Shop module”.
Well, what is a blog and what is a shop module in a CMS like WordPress?
Blogs and normal pages are standard features of WordPress.
Shop modules are installed as a plugin. There are then all necessary functions.
So good, yeah?
Now it’s about a forum, how is something created? In the same way. As there are Shop modules as a plugin, there are also forum modules as a plugin. There are also all necessary functions.
In summary, if you say “except a blog and a shop module”, you say fundamentally “except the standard function and a plugin”.
And so, you can create forums -> via the standard features and a plugin.
What I mean with special special requests is not necessary functionalities so that the forum/question platform works. I mean optional special requests. Like optimizing performance, beyond the usual way or creating a special design.
So that the platform works the same, it needs No deeper knowledge than dealing with WordPress itself or another CMS.
Right, because if you can create such forums with WordPress, that means, of course, that all these forums have been created exclusively with WordPress.
Remember yourself?…
What you need is a team. Something like this is not a one-man project.
You only have to control Zb wordpress, then it works
Really? Isn’t that little?
if you think that’s little, then yes…
This is exactly what Content Management systems like WordPress are there.
So you don’t have to program everything yourself. :