Was braucht man alles um fotorealistisch zu zeichnen?Z.B.welche Stifte,Pinsel,Kreide und Sonstiges ist dafür am besten geeignet?Fotorealismus,Hyperrealismus?
Was braucht man alles um fotorealistisch zu zeichnen?
Z.B.welche Stifte,Pinsel und Sonstiges ? Fotorealismus,Hyperrealismus ?
Welche Stifte usw. sind dafür am besten geeignet ?
Gibt ja einiges wie Bleistift,Farbstift,Aquarellstift, Pastellstift und Pastell/Ölkreide.
Meine das Equipment
To avoid beginners frustration, I recommend a proven guidebook:
For material:
The advantage of “Faber-Castell Polychromos” is that you can buy each pen individually. So you can gradually assemble your own “color palette”. This reduces costs.
certain colors should be added by caran d’ ache luminance.
you can paint directly with the finger on granite with the natural terra verde you are looking for yourself.
good material facilitates some, but the main focus is on technology.
So I found it the lightest with pencil
And color pencils, aquarell pencils?
Historical artists painted on canvas with brushes and oil colours. These three things have served them.
But painting isn’t drawing? You wouldn’t have to sign with pens.
The more professional, the less necessary tools.